
David Brock? He's still got a few decades left in him.

The awesome music, or its commie background?

These fuckwits are probably going to riot again once they find out Call of Duty is back to killing Nazis later this year. I expect Trump to denounce Tetris for being equally at fault for the violence too.

Guys, I have inside source that told me George Soros was driving the car. I have no reason to believe a KKK Grand Squire would be a dishonest person.

Does anybody actually shop at Trader Joes to stick it to the big food conglomerates? Those people are the Whole Foods crowd who are largely indifferent to the end-price they pay. People shop at Trader Joe's because of selection and price. I don't give a shit if my canned tomatoes came from Hunts instead of some other

Randall's odds really are way too low. The dude's only purpose at this point is dying. His army is largely dead, he has no real strategic value to anybody, and he's been a raging jackass every second he's been on screen. There really isn't a reason he shouldn't have died with his men in the last episode, but they are

Maybe, but that would seem to fly in the face of the fact the Boltons were trying to legitimize their new control of the North by bringing an actual Stark into their family. The only reason they really wanted Sansa was to get the other northern houses to unify around them as a collective unit rather than a bunch of

For all we know Qyburn developed a delivery method in putty form that can adhere to any surface for an infinite period of time. Wild Fire is obviously some type of chemical solution which has no obvious real world counterpart yet exists in this universe.

I mean, we didn't see any of them die, and I think the general presumption should be they are alive if they aren't shown getting killed.

We're dealing with a show where at least two people have risen from the dead as their prior human selves, and another person rose from the dead to be a spine ripping super zombie. We've also got a bunch of ice zombies, witches, seasonal climate changes which don't follow traditional patterns, and dragons (whose

Boobs? I feel like boobs are the answer here.

This article is the first instance I've ever even contemplated the existence of poison on the bolts. What exactly is this likely fan theory based on? I must be overlooking something if it's anything beyond Qyburn realizing that poison kills things, much like his groundbreaking research in episode 1 that large bolts

This is something I don't think they've ever really explained. The Boltons were harboring the prime suspect in the murder of the king, yet were still allies with the crown?

I actually wouldn't put it past Weiss and Beinhoff to just run with a scene where Cersei knows something she'd have no practical way of knowing about.

So then Jaime is going to admit his unreturned lust for Dany to his psychotic twin sister who either personally killed or was intricately involved in the deaths of countless family members?

I really doubt the horn is popping up, if it were they wouldn't have introduced the scorpion and made such a huge deal about it.

It's not specifically stated in the series, but there were a few scenes back in seasons 4 and 5 regarding Drogon finally allowing Dany to ride him. I seem to recall he attacked her at the first attempt but slowly warmed to the idea.

Euron's fleet is going down in flames, it's just a matter of time until Dany locates the slippery bastard since his fleet appears to be split into at least 2 groups across thousands of miles.

I think you need to swap Tarly's and Drogon's odds. I'm not buying that the most prominent of the dragons and the only one that Dany can currently ride is going to croak after one Westeros battle before he ever gets a chance to be deployed in the final endgame. If they are offing a dragon it's going to be one of the

Well, you were certainly right about it being crazy ass.