
Littlefinger knew that Sansa was wanted by the crown and he handed her over to the Boltons instead. Cersei's got no time for that shit. Wasn't there a passive swipe that Cersei made last season referencing her displeasure about Littlefinger?

"Socks with crocs? Our panel says yes!"

They exclusively wear overalls bought at a gift shop in Branson Missouri.

The jerk shouldn't have had a sick kid. Foreclose on his ass!

The statue is female. It's obviously liberal, what additional evidence do you sheeple need?

You should have seen the racy shoot that followed a week after Bush announced the Medicare Part D expansion. They had to put brown paper wrap on it before it could be sold on newstands.

Oh no, I don't want those uppity dinosaur skeletons in the Dakotas running the show.

Planet of the Apes is a satanic Darwinist plot due to its portrayal of apes evolving the ability to speak. It must be burned like all other liberal Hollywood trash.

I know those words, but this tantrum makes no sense.

I was holed up in my dorm room on a 72 hour Gauntlet Legacy binge with my roommates. Large quantities of pretzels were consumed and news was not watched.

Can't I just drink the booze? I guess as a meth addict myself I can use the added calories to fuel my frequent bouts of not eating.

He kind of looks like Jerry Falwell.

I find the best solution to this problem is sending Directv a $110 dollar check each month and pray they provide the channels I'm looking to watch.

As a shareholder in both Comcast and Time Warner, I'd prefer you never grow but rather continue decreasing your features and functionality while passively insulting your customers. It's a proven fact that pissing off your audience results in both more revenue and a happier user base. Don't bother verifying that, it's

Oh lord, we're one step closer to vegemite!

I see the Mexican agricultural export and marketing board has gotten to you too?

Can a knee to the groin also be applied?

I never said Time was good with their fact checking.

Wait, rednecks (and I guess apparently some millennials) eat avocados to get drunk?

How else are you going to read about all the new hip developments in biological warfare? I hear the plague is making a major comeback in the coming months!