
New edition of the AP Style guide was just released. It's upped the sassmouth by 20%.

What are their names?

I'm interested in hearing what an actual shipping quote for this collection would be. It's got to be higher than the cost of you renting a u-Haul and picking it up.

He didn't clarify if the "best" is referring to the buyer's perspective or his perspective. I think you've got a case, go sue him if he refuses to ship.

Only $29,900? Must not have all of the out-of-print Zelda amiibos.

Yes, now go turn yourself into your local DNR office for a spanking and reeducation.

The rejected animatronics model from the Hall of Presidents at Disney World.

Oh Christ, don't you start up with the similarities between them too. Wallabies are efficient maintainers of large green spaces while depositing reasonable amounts of fertilizer back into the ground. A kangaroo is going to dig up your damn lawn below the roots of the grass, leave shits the size of bricks, and attack


Amateur mistake. Hannity would have volunteered a non-government goon squad at no charge had he been asked.

In my time as a law student and clerking with various government agencies, my all-time favorite case will always be the guy who got his wallabies confiscated by the DNR as illegal exotic animals because it was the state's position that wallabies are close enough to kangaroos that a state law on the ban on kangaroos

Hannity's been coughing up that one for more than a month now. My stance is that even if Hannity is correct in the allegation, the outcome is that Hillary colluded with a key strategic ally rather than a traditional adversary. So Trump's still an idiot either way.

Is this the idiot who punched a reporter? Or the other idiot who also punched a reporter?

I do like that the premise of the raid is that they thought Manafort was going to destroy evidence, and they were also confident he wasn't smart enough to destroy the evidence immediately so they might be able to find something.

Yeah, but those tweets clearly weren't authored by him. He probably was stewing somewhere in the White House over this and told Mike Pence to go get something done.

So how exactly did Trump not unleash a bitchfest about this the day it happened? His attorneys obviously haven't seized his phone yet, and there's no way he didn't know the raid took place.

"Interference with customer relations"?

If you include the bribes from Pizza Hut and the Book It program it had to have made a dent.

I have to give him some credit for his two Lonely Island tracks, but yeah, his popularity and radio saturation for the last few years of the 2000-2009 decade makes no damn sense to me.

There was that phase in 2007 where a huge chunk of the charts alternated between the same damn Akon and T-Pain songs. It might not have had the volume of shitty artists/albums released, but I think it might have 1997 beat for atrociousness of the individual singles which charted and stayed there for too damn long.