
I can only hope this takes off like the Paul is dead theory circa 1969.

Hold on there, I want to make sure you are referring to white male history month before endorsing this.

I bet Glenn Beck feels satisfied knowing that he personally sold about 39199523838 days worth of bunker survival rations.

Right? There's no way an actual reposted Breitbart comment doesn't refer to him as Barry. Plus there's no misspelled words or missing punctuation.


That photo is actually Obama signaling for the convoy to stop while he works on petitioning the serviceman just to the right of the cameraman to bayonet Trump.

That's some grade A background creeping by Peter King in that photo.

It's Hillary's fault for not unilaterally vetoing every single of piece of legislation passed during her senate career that ended a decade ago.

It's been ongoing. The far right fringes of the party have been bitching about and threatening to primary McConnell, McCain, and Graham for about a decade now. Paul Ryan has also joined the list of people not crazy enough for them. Their only real success in the movement has been giving the boot to Boehner and Cantor.

You can usually tell by the presence of exclamation points. Most style guides would advise against adding them to quotes in news stories since it requires the journalist or editor to make a judgment call regarding emphasis on certain points. Donald Trump instinctively adds exclamation points at least every 10 words

I do legal support for a large corporation that makes hundreds of sales pitches each year to prospects. If I used just about any sentence the Kinja staff typed in this thread, I would have my office cleaned out by the janitorial staff after being escorted off the premises.

Stupid AV Club commenters. Kinja will tell you what you like. Now quit your bitching.

Anybody care to join me in my multi-month bitchfest that Poker Go charges $100 per year up front or $12 monthly for 100 days of live coverage and a bunch of old archives? It's the worst business model I have seen for a streaming service. It costs more than netflix or a full year of Amazon Prime.

Wait, your original comment with the quotes was real? I just assumed Hacker News wasn't a thing and therefore it was satirical.

I put Titanic at about the same level as Forest Gump. Probably not as great as the awards it garnered, but the backlash against it seems way overstated. I'd watch it when it's on cable, probably wouldn't ever decide to pop in the disc on my own, and wouldn't object too much if my friends wanted to watch it. Titanic

It's the memory expansion pack requirement and the awful framerate. It discouraged just bringing the cartridge over to another person's house since you'd also need to haul along the expansion pack or the system itself if your friend didn't own the game.

Oddjob was half the height of the other characters. In a game with a control scheme which discouraged aiming up and down in favor of strafing left to right, it's a major pain in the ass to realign your sights for the one character different than the others. Plus from Oddjob's perspective your gun was always set right

Hey, give him some credit. This wasn't released in a Twitter bitchfest. He actually spoke to reporters! That's quite the accomplishment for him.

You've outlined at a minimum of four instances (and implied many more) where people bribed you to watch a 20 year old film. That's just weird and certainly makes the situation more common for you than most of the other 3.5 billion males on this planet.

I'm outraged that a movie billed as a romance and special effects driven drama has elements of romance and special effects driven drama! I demand my movies fall within the definition of a genre while not relying on expected standard elements of the genre!