
I'm thinking maybe you should just watch the movie rather than having part of your social life revolve around making sure you don't. I'm pretty sure nobody will care about your man cred if you partake in a 20 year old movie seen by about a billion other individuals.

Ok, I admit it.

Hey, I'm at work too. I just try to avoid really specific urban dictionary searches that result in me being summoned to the HR office to talk about appropriate internet use.

Alright, I'm going to need the etymological background on the origin of sweater cows.

If they didn't want me rummaging through their garbage they shouldn't have decided to star on a popular television show.

The Goldeneye info would have been stolen in the Sony hack, so beat it Boris.

But remember, the HBO internal emails are 100% secure. They may have breached every other possible system and stolen mounds of personal information, but they'll never discover the email announcement that it was patty melts for lunch last Tuesday and the men's restroom on the third floor was closed for maintenance.

Can I do both?

Oh great, another Chicken Crispers apologist. I've had just about enough of you people around here.

He was a guest star on Full House in an episode called "Air Jesse". Story checks out.

If it were up to Bill Simmons the NBA season would be an 82 game scrimmage between the Lakers and Celtics with the O'Brien trophy passed around like the original 6 NHL era.

I believe Rush was the one who claimed that the preexisting character of Bane in TDKR got his name as a shot at Mittens and his company Bain Capital, so he can fuck right off with his hot pop culture takes.

That Heaven's Gate thing creeped me the hell out as a 12 year old at the time. I remember Nightline opened with the story and I walked past the TV when it showed the corpses lined up in the bunk beds with the sheets on them. That image of the camera slowly maneuvering around the room along with a handful of other

This is a somewhat valid criticism for people who bought Goldeneye solely for the single-player experience. But given that the main draw was multiplayer, and very few people had the capability of jamming four computers into a room and connecting a LAN network, I really don't understand how the PC FPS situation was

Just because she isn't legally entitled to know doesn't mean she needs to give up after one brief approach which was dismissed by Arya. I'm not saying put a knife to her throat and demand she squeal, I'm saying that it's not normal how Arya was able to do that and Brienne might want to consider following up on her

Seems plausible, but the one putting the sword into the Night King is likely John and John only. I can't see them using Arya to kill the biggest bad in the show's history.

Brienne really should have told Arya to cut the shit and actually explain where she learned how to fight like that. It's unlikely she knew the reference Arya was making, yet she seemed very eager to drop the subject after one cryptic reply.

Why do you care? You just secured yourself the Westeros equivalent of the no-limit Amex black card. Get spending!

*writes joke about how that's the hardest he's thrown all year because of his injury, sees that the article already makes the obvious joke, sulks away*

Doesn't count. I was promised dragons. Only one was delivered. I'm outraged!