
Must. Resist. Lazy. Chris. Hansen. Joke.

Well now you've just gone too far.

Nobody leaves with a balloon. You either come into my park solely to buy overpriced TV shirts, or get killed on one of the attractions.

It's Six Flags. The food will consist of a $10 soda and a $9 reheated frozen corn dog. The purchase of Dippin Dots requires a credit application and non-refundable down payment.

Wait until you see my log ride which just sends the log into the lake and submerges the guests for a good 2-3 minutes. Free balloons for any survivors at the exit! Although I just use the balloons to mark the guests who somehow survived my death trap, which allows me to easily target them for future theme park related

I remember transitioning from Goldeneye to the first Timesplitters on PS2 right when it launched. My entire group of friends were freaking out wondering if there was a way to set the controls for Timeplitters to the awful ones from 007. After a few hours of bitching we got over it, and in retrospect it's laughable

Jet Force Gemini was fantastic until it forced you to revisit every world and rescue every damn bear. That's right up there with the 100% banana requirement with every character in Donkey Kong 64 in terms of obnoxious repetitive quest requirements.

Slappers only, one-hit kills, no Oddjob allowed. Quite possibly the most entertaining multiplayer setup in video game history.

Pfffft. This roller coaster has nothing on my one from Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 that had a 100% fatality rate within the first 5 seconds of the ride.

What about deathtrap ferris wheels? Are they still prohibited from killing dozens of people?

So since this is a chick's roller coaster is there a designated "flash mountain" zone and will pillows and pajamas be provided to the occupants for the big pillow fight ticklefest finale?

What's Dany's landing point though? Euron has intercepted just about every convoy possible, and King's Landing would have been in perpetual lookout for any landing craft coming from the East from Dragonstone. With that many horses and Dothraki she would have needed a fairly large beachhead and several days. If a

Yeah, there aren't a whole lot of banking institutions who wouldn't question exactly where you found the hundreds of millions of dollars to pay off the debt you've been dodging for years.

So will Jaime actually be shown as a prisoner next episode, or is he just going to surface downstream and walk away without anybody realizing it?

So how do volcanic eruption pyroclastic flows work? Because almost all accounts for fatalities from them usually refer to instantaneous death, before they even realized the danger given that they weren't close to the physical lava/debris.

I just assumed that Arya maybe didn't know that Sansa had been with John when he prevailed against the Boltons. Hot Pie only told her about John being crowned King of the North, maybe nobody told her that Sansa had escaped the Lannisters, then the Boltons (although with them gone she either escaped them or died in the

There is no way Theon isn't serving a larger purpose since they've passed on killing him off at least a half dozen times where nobody would have faulted them for it.

I believe the bearded one is the one that spotted Sam early in Season 3 and kept on walking, so I would venture he's of importance.

The gold was confirmed as making it to King's landing, which makes the introduction of the whole dilemma rather perplexing from the audience's perspective. Cersei wasn't talking to that banker very long, and the short conversation kept on going back to stressing that the bank's support is predicated on the money

There are situations where temperatures alone kill somebody instantly. Pyroclastic flows are one, it's rarely the lava that actually kill people in an eruption, it's the superheated air and gas mix preceding the physical flow.