


You know, that crossed my mind. Turns out that donut induced rage isn't a defense for arson charges.

Yeah, but what about the handle? HOW DO YOU DUNK THE HANDLE WHILE HANDLING IT?

I like their flavored ground coffee they sell in supermarkets. The in-store stuff isn't the best, and the k-cups are somehow even worse. I've got a 10 pack of dark roast in my office with 9 k-cups remaining. It's been that way for about a year now.

I went to a place a few weekends ago that actually charged you more for the right to select your own donuts. They had a basic charge for 6, but it consisted of the cashier just jamming 6 random ones in a box. They demanded $3 more to ensure you got the half-dozen donuts you wanted.

The bacon craze is subsiding in the donut world, I believe next up is putting a three inch layer of Cap'n Crunch and/or Fruity Pebbles on every donut. I had never seen that before but encountered 3 different places within the last couple of months that had them.

I'd love to if local donuts weren't being replaced with "artisan" donuts that cost as much as an actual sit-down breakfast and you need a couple dozen napkins to catch the toppings as they go flying off in each bite.

My favorite is the Americano, which is actually just watered down Espresso marked up at a premium.

They seemed oddly unwilling to just drag John out of his boat when he was hanging out 20 feet offshore at Hardhome for a few minutes. Was that because the Night King wanted to let them survive?

This whole thing just bugs me. How does a society that hasn't had any significant technological advances in their weaponry in thousands of years not already have a larger version of their standard weaponry as part of their defense arsenal? The actual mechanics don't appear to be any different than a smaller cross bow.

Didn't Qyburn assume control over a bunch of Vary's spies? He seems to have kept the lame crossbow idea low-key, so unless Varys has put a plant who works directly with Qyburn, it's understandable how Varys might not know about this yet.

He's Arya's buddy from their prisoner days who got abducted by Mel's group and hauled back to Stannis to sacrifice given he's got king's blood by being Robert's bastard. Last seen rowing away after Davos set him free from the dungeons.


Is there any scenario in which Tarly doesn't die before the show ends? He's been such a bastard to Sam, an oathbreaker, and now you can add high-value target for three dragons and a couple of thousand rampaging Dothraki.

With all the other things he was spinning, a trailed off sentence he didn't finish likely wouldn't be suspicious enough in context for them to think twice. We as the audience understood what was going on, but Dany and Tyrion would only know the significance if they had an inclination that John had died at one point,

I just assumed that Melissandre can see into some events in the future, and revealing the fact that John once died would jeopardize his role in the battle to come. No reason to volunteer largely irrelevant information that would undercut a prophetic vision you are trying to sell.

The Vale seems to like her a hell of a lot more than Littlefinger, given that Littlefinger threatened to have Robyn kill anybody that stood in his way.

Maybe the cop was out of coke in the evidence locker an he was just volunteering a helpful hint to where he could score some.

So what you're saying is that it isn't worth the $15 it costs locally for a sixer?