
Best of luck getting all of the states that run a revenue racket through the liquor licensing/distribution system to allow Amazon to start shipping booze within their state. I would guess that Amazon would have to build a centralized warehouse in a few states that are actually managed by the liquor regulatory body.

The odds are against these people actually be in the U.S. and they could be in countries without an extradition treaty with the U.S.. How would you enforce this? Pull what Israel did with the ex-Nazis in kidnapping the culprits and secretly hauling them back to the country?

Is it Schlafly pumpkin season yet? I don't usually like pumpkin flavored items but that's a damn fine brew.

So you're the person who actually buys vanilla coke.

Depends on what you mean by a bundle. You can buy a decent amplified antenna for about $50, maybe a little bit less.

As a Best Buy employee at the time, I hated those converter boxes so, so much.

I'm sure it was just amplified with its own power source. Unless he actually mounted a roof antenna on the building.

Upon not finding the goose, he ordered a nuclear strike on the golf-course. All staff and employees must clear the 50 square mile area within the next 15 seconds.

He's called in an airstrike to deal with the situation.

$20 says it took him 6 shots to get out of a rough that thick, and that 6 shots is after he cheated on his scorecard.

It takes 17 days to completely dip every fixture in the West Wing in gold, along with every blade of grass on the lawn.

If 81 percent of people value independence in their beer, I can't help but think the primary problem isn't that InBev is buying everything, but rather that people keep on buying InBev products while bitching about how they prefer companies that aren't InBev.

Publicly held companies value market share and revenue above all else. A company can't decide overnight when it has enough money, they have stockholders that ultimately are going to dictate their path forward.

I agree with the narrative being powerful point. My problem is solely fixated on the "classroom" element of this. By the time you'd even be discussing this subject, you are almost certainly going to be in a high school. High schoolers should be able to handle an actual documentary rather than the teacher being forced

"If the film is screened for educational purposes in classrooms, an essential part of the battle will continue to be distorted in the minds of the next generation."

Nah, he's been doing this shit for 45 years. He's just a pathological liar. Lord help us when he actually gets to the dementia stage.

I just love how on the BBC World Service, you always get a slight pause and what sounds like a sigh whenever they are forced to read one of his tweets for the top of the hour news.

Make that the only line on your cover letter and you're set.

Well, Trump is your boss, so sexually harassing the press pool puts you in line for a Presidential Medal of Freedom.

How about briefing female reporters about the urgent need to probe the outer rim of Uranus?