
Hey, my company name is Sistermaryfrancisisabigdickedadonis LLC.

Nope, but the Economist and the New Yorker gave it rave reviews!

International waters. Always conduct your seedy activities in international waters.

Ugh, gross. I still hate it.

This amps that theory up to 11, and actually bypasses a still unproven yet technically more plausible theory regarding another characters parentage. This is "twist for the sake of a twist" level, and would make no damn sense to drop it in to the series with 10 episodes to go. I don't doubt that the books might very

There is no way to make that work in any fashion without earning the biggest collective eyeroll in pop culture history.

I am sure there are also boatloads of indemnification clauses in the contracts between the relevant parties in this filing, so that's also playing into it as well. If Kim's company was smart, they'd have a clause in their contract with LuMee which says that if a third party comes after Kim over an infringement claim

My guess is that he had to bring in Kim's company to prove the damages requested in the complaint. Her company's behavior in marketing the product was integral to the scheme after LuMee allegedly stole the idea.

He's not actually suing her, it's just her company. It's actually pretty damn difficult to sue an individual within a corporation for actions the corporation made, it's kind of one of the reasons corporations actually exist as legal entities. .

Well now I just feel like a jackass.

Jeff Goldblum as a god. Case closed.

Yeah, go off-grid like most of the anti-social nuts!

There are some beautiful cabins hundreds of miles away from civilization in Montana if you are inclined. Or basically the entirety of Canada (probably no poutine in the frozen tundra of Saskatchewan though, so what's the point?).

I can't help but feel that headline has absolutely nothing to do with anything actually explained in the article or filed in relation to this case (beyond the fact she is actually getting sued).

I can guarantee you that there is a maximum payout associated with this policy, and that payout also likely has to be directly associated with unrecoverable proven losses.

He'll always be Professor Plum to me. So "the dude who killed the fake Mr. Body with a candlestick in the hallway".

She had one of the better death scenes in Scream 4.And much like Scream 4, I'm totally indifferent towards this development and am confident it will certainly be a forgettable outing.

Counter-point. Portuguese Water Dogs aren't cute. If Obama wanted us to like him he should have had a steady supply of golden retriever puppies he cycled out once they hit 3 months old.

In that poll the 65 percent of the respondents also said they are in favor of the government working with private insurers to offer plans, which would seemingly be in conflict with the Medicare statement. Same with selling insurance across state lines, 63 percent said that should be permitted, which doesn't work with

Where are you getting your single payer stats from? Everything I can find only has its support hovering in the 30-40% range.