
Franken's been way more definitive in his no statements though.

You are a terminator heer to probe our development of AI and report back to your robot overloards, right?

Alice must have a phobia of testicles (I'm sure there is a Latin word for this phobia, but I don't feel like getting escorted into my HR department if they pulled my internet history and saw I searched for it).

Oh, I'm familiar with the Young Turks, but by their faces or voice, not their names.

Having no idea who that person is, I still feel comfortable in declaring him an idiot. Now back to the Republican bashing!

I had to cover his campaign in Iowa leading up to the caucuses that year. It was usually just a question of if the anti-abortionists, the gold-standard nuts, or the Gadsden flag crowd would be the first ones to start rioting/screaming and be escorted out.

Quick, check the White House visitor's log for Ron Paul and his curly haired spawn!

Yep, sorry, don't have any available White House affiliated corpses. I'm sure Sean Hannity knows all the good hiding spots in the DC area though.

How particular are you about the status of these bodies? Because I'm sure we can pool together enough of us that have some spares in our crawl spaces.

I remember a whole bunch of people laughing at them over that when they made that threat about Conway. But they still floated the idea at one point.

Didn't CNN ban lying Trump surrogates from appearing? And isn't Trump's favorite leisure activity bitching about CNN 2-3 hours per day on Twitter? And how exactly was this interview a thing that happened?

Can you give a shout out to the AV Club when his Erdogan style goons show up at your door to rough you up?

Just a fence? Nah, he's totally going to set aside a couple of million dollars to fund armed guards at his grave site for the next 100 years.

Is a flaming skull the logo they use on the Trump International Golf Course hats?

It's a magazine which publishes articles about sporting events and athletes. But that isn't important right now.

The ongoing construction in the West Wing is actually a ruse while the staff dip everything in gold. 14 karat gold!

Hannity is convinced that Hillary talking to Ukranian diplomats about dirt on Trump is the greatest scandal in the history of the western world. Even if you want to buy into the discussions occurring as undisputed fact, the end result is that Hillary colluded with an ally rather than an adversary like Trump did. Even

Do you think Trump will bother asking that question before he attempts firing him with a tweet? This is a guy dumb enough to reference the Russia investigation in the letter he fired Comey with, then acts shocked when people can't stop talking about the thing he wrote without provocation.

We've now moved on to Hillary Clinton being a plant of the Ukrainian government (I'm not sure what this actually proves even if it is true, so don't bother asking the question). Get your facts together!

For a news agency that has been protesting for years about how the Clintons cover up all of their dirty political secrets, they certainly did a shitty job of not covering their tracks on the evidence submitted in this defamation case. Phone calls, audio recordings, emails, and texts? This is just "How to blow apart