
There's nothing funnier than making up quotes and telling the reporter you did it after-the-fact. What a knee slapper!

You would think that Sean Hannity would have shut up about this, but he still alludes to the story (although not by using Seth Rich's name) whenever he wants to claim the Democrats have bought into conspiracy theories a whole let less plausible than his Rich theory.


I'm wondering about the lack of institutional control which allows a movie to get accidentally transferred to an entirely new digital format, printed, and sold without anybody figuring it out along the way.

If the commercials really bother you that much (which they did for me on the ad supported Shout Factory set-up), Amazon let's you add a commercial free option to their video streaming app for $2.99 per month.

I have to get up early and milk the walnuts.

Exactly. Was anybody really all that impressed with the upscaled digital noise-reduced transfers of the films they used for the return on Netflix? At best, their blu ray transfer will likely consist of scrubbing some of the unintended film grain out and smooth over the backgrounds. They wouldn't touch the audio since

Yeah, that could be in play. I think for the Twilight Zone set they put something like 10 episodes on each disc. But for feature length media, I really don't have a problem getting up every 90 minutes and swapping out a disc. Especially for a show like MST3K where I'm seeking out a specific episode and it's unlikely

Well, it is true…Unless they do a complete remastering from the original source material like Twilight Zone did for their blu ray releases, you are never going to be able to notice the difference. Plus I doubt they are going to remix the audio on most of these films, which is another feature of the format which will

Did anybody else notice the audio cut-outs during riffs? Maybe I'm just conditioned to the original run, but whenever one of the characters started talking there was this almost clicking transitional sound which silenced the underlying film and amped up the character mic. It drove me nuts in Avalanche to the point I

Shout Factory has been excellent in this whole endeavor. Not only have they made a huge chunk of the library streamable commercial free via Amazon for $2.99 a month, they've also gone back and started reissuing the early DVD volumes which have been out of print for years and fetch $150+ plus on the resale market. I

The stench of Ozzie Guillen still permeates the clubhouse. So ESPECIALLY the White Sox.

Didn't Rosie Aprile pretend to like it? So partial credit?

Kenny Roger's glove pine tar really should have won for not making it a sweep.

I can't wait for the Cardinals to back their way into the playoffs in the worst division and smack the Dodgers around a bit. Which is a shame for Kershaw, who I actually like but he usually takes the blame.

I love David Eckstein. He was always the first to admit he was a skinny stick who shouldn't be playing professional baseball, but he didn't let it bother him.

As a Twins fan, Erstad's ridiculous 2002 postseason almost enrages me as much as the Twins cutting David Ortiz after the 2002 season.

You mean 2006 World Series MVP David Eckstein?

Oakland still has it, no? They better with the amount of foul territory that place has.

Well, they did get some pretty excellent karma tossed their way in the coming years: