
Cue the the talk radio folks saying it was Trump's master plan all along to hire somebody who would squeeze out Spicer and Priebus, get their blood on his hands rather than Trump's, then have Trump fire him.

Keep yourself together. You're ruining my plan of subverting mayonnaise's increasing market saturation in the condiment world by adding it to every possible dish to make people hate it.

Mayonnaise. Don't ask questions, just do it.

Hey now, I didn't see anything about malt li…..*gets hooked off the stage*

You're supposed to eat the tips, they have the most nutrients. Don't worry if you start choking, just power through it.

AV Clubbers have a surprisingly wide base of culinary knowledge based on the comments on these articles. I like this feature because of the comments, so GET OUT!

I love chicken drumsticks. It's impossible to destroy the things while grilling. They're the idiot proof grill staple.

Do you know when it's falling into the river? I bet you could sell tickets to watch.

Hey, I'm fat and ugly but not a child. Can I continue shoving chicken fingers down my gullet? If not I'd like my participation in such deliciousness to be grandfathered in.

You can take your socialist foods and git the hell out of my country.

There's also the problem that millions of chickens are getting culled on a weekly basis in each state where avian flu is discovered. I believe last year Iowa had to destroy 50 million birds, and now Tennessee is joining the party in 2017. So it's not just the demand side.

Expect a sick burn on Wings.

How about "Astronautette"? Kind of like a Toadette from Mario.

I love that XM Station, with the exception of Peter Asher's From Me To You. A few weeks ago he somehow found a way to tie a Cher charity song from the 1980s back to the Beatles. And spent 15 minutes bragging about how he knew Eric Clapton before even getting to the damn song.

I take great pride in my alma mater being the first student body in the nation to be dumb enough to buy into this nonsense, which resulted in the student newspaper publishing the first ever article about it. And I wrote for that newspaper 35 years later.

But she couldn't have done it by herself. She had help escaping. So if you are pinning it on Sansa you are almost certainly implicating a second conspirator. And if Jaime has determined that person wasn't Tyrion, who did he pin it on? That's going back to my original question.

I agree that the episodes aren't as good as some people are proclaiming, but I also don't agree that the first 4 seasons were all that different. This has always been kind of a sloppy disjointed mess, it's just becoming more evident now as the cast continues being reduced and they can't distract us by jump cutting to

Yeah, but for Jaime to believe that Tyrion didn't do it, wouldn't pinning it on Sansa actually implicate Tyrion or make Jaime reach the conclusion that a Stark outsmarted the smartest Lannister in the family? I can't see Jaime thinking Sansa would have been involved if Tyrion wasn't.

Didn't one of the walkers look right at him and keep on moving? At the time I assumed it be one of those "we are letting you live to crawl back to your home and tell everybody what you saw" bits, but given them taking their sweetass time to continue meandering around north of the wall I'm not sure what plan achieves

Given that they've had about 5 different times they could have killed the slippery bastard, Theon's continued presence on this show means he is the one who is going to kill Euron, right? They keep on piling more shit on him without killing him off, so he's got to have a final redemption arc somewhere this season? I