
Littlefinger's long-term plan has made no damn sense for about two seasons now. I wouldn't be surprised if he's just floundering around aimlessly until somebody puts him out of his misery. Even if a Stark doesn't kill him, he's likely not long for this world if Varys continues palling it up with Dany and Littlefinger

Yeah, that would be a fallback for Cersei's anger, so I guess the assumption within the show is that Jaime pinned it Oberyn?

I guess Myrcella was still alive at that point too, so if they arrested the heir to Dorne her fate would have been a whole lot less certain (even though Doran's sole purpose within the show was to torpedo any sort of big move by Dorne so killing her would have been out of character).

I'm still hoping that she makes her entrance by offing Littlefinger, then ripping off his face she had been wearing as a mask during one of Sansa/John's northern council meetings that always end in chanting.

Oberyn would make sense, but Cersei and Tywin seemed to have an excessive amount of tolerance for him post-murder if they had any inclination he was behind it.

I can't wait for Lord Tarly's first order as leader of HighGarden to be storming Old Town to spank his thieving son.

Ok, so the whole Joffrey thing…

Yeah, but Jorah and Daario are co-jealous bro sidekicks, so I bet if we get one we get the other.

Are we sure that Dany isn't the one who is half-Stark because of her strategic ineptitude?

So we've clearly set this up for a Daario comeback, right? He'll come in screaming like a lunatic just when Dany needs him.

John better have a couple metric fucktons of Dragonglass mined by next episode, because Euron crisscrossing the seas should have taken a few months of time.

Except that it's unlikely that Cersei is prevailing in this fight simply because the narrative almost certainly requires Dany to win. And now Dany is now going to have to regroup and find a bunch more allies in another fight that is likely pointless to the end-game.

Well, it would undercut his whole "the dead are rising and coming to kill us" narrative.

Seriously, what the hell is this show doing? There's 10 episodes left, enough with the endless wheel spinning and fake obstacles thrown at Dany.

Conservatives don't watch any nightly evening news. It's part of the Bolshevik plot to indoctrinate their children.

Is Red Green still around? It's been awhile since I've had some 1990s duct tape humor throwback.

Isn't that the fundamental reason a representative should vote against something? That it would hurt their constituents? She deserves ridicule for a whole bunch of shit, but realizing that a bill could hurt her state is quite a step forward compared to some other members of the GOP Congress.

Well, no the AV Club wasn't wrong for admitting it was wrong.

You'll never pry my 65 inch 3d capable plasma from me! I'm putting it my will that it's getting buried with me.

I find it's best to play along with the mandated recital of the pledge of allegiance at the top and bottom of every hour.