
That'll happen when they mandate an IV drip of sweet tea be hooked up to every customer.

Yeah, but dem biscuits.

Who had autofellatio on their New Yorker Bingo card?

Remember folks, this guy is so nuts that Spicer thought his abusive attitude towards the press went too far.

Being a jackass myself, I would just start toying with him by claiming Trump is the leaker, or that Mooch himself did it in one of his coke fueled escapades and forgot. Then ask him how he got my phone number if he isn't the leaker.

What breach of trust occurred by the reporter here? This lunatic called him up unsolicited mining for information. He also didn't request it not be on the record. Is the New Yorker this guy's personal diary that he forgot to put a heart shaped padlock on?

I'd say Ralph, but Ralph was actually funny in between his bouts of drug fueled psychosis.

It's really hard to not laugh at this particular story, especially the nice little side editorial by the reporter where he pointed out because he didn't ask for the conversation to be off the record he was totally going to publish it word-for-word.

I don't know, I've gone full circle so I'm back to being entertained rather than disgusted by this shit. If I revert back to disgusted within the next few days I'll know the circle of regret continues unabated.

If I were this reporter I probably would have started daring him to do it to get him even more worked up. It's not like he's not firing all of the staffers anyways within the next 2-6 weeks.

Even by Trump standards, this guy is a fucking cartoon villain who I'm still not sure actually exists in our universe. If I was that New Yorker reporter I wouldn't believe my own notes I wrote down.

Not only was he on, but it was 17 years ago.

The white parts of Mississippi then? Having driven through the state multiple times on the way to Gulf Shores, I've seen my share of confederate flag plastered trucks, which I'm going to venture don't have African Americans as the title holder.

Get this chick some Rogaine, you a bloated corpse girl.

I only listen to art criticism sung by the Lonely Island in diss track form, thank you very much.

I think it's more what the episode symbolizes for the future of the show than how awful it is individually. The three acts are completely disjointed and make no damn sense as a cohesive narrative, plus it's got celebrity cameos without much substance or creativity around the parts they play. Those are the two things

Yeah, "triple homicide and child brides" is the state motto of Alabama. Pennsylvania can't just steal it without compensating them. Perhaps some firearms and child brides will work.

Hey, America runs this planet. If we demand to be adopted, they better damn well adopt us.

But we have the best bourbon and pork-centric BBQ here!

"If that libtard 'comedian' Al Franken can be a Senator, why can't this patriot?"