I love when gun nuts try to come in and correct everything and then get their facts wrong - like the dumbass above who thinks a .22LR and a .223 round are the same thing.
I love when gun nuts try to come in and correct everything and then get their facts wrong - like the dumbass above who thinks a .22LR and a .223 round are the same thing.
This is all fine and good, but nobody in the real world has discussed Taiwanese independence. Tsai has not called for it in Taiwan nor has Trump in the US (to my knowledge).
Berlusconi is Italy’s Trump. Or I should say, Trump is the US’s poor version of Berlusconi.
Would love to watch those Kubrick Cheers episodes, personally.
Pretty much.
Che did every single one of those things. He was a murderous psychopath.
Nope, the Castro regime was not any different at all. The only difference was which side was committing the atrocities. Fuck ‘em both.
Your close family friend probably had to flee Cuba because they were Batista supporters. I don’t particularly feel bad for them losing everything when their side lost when they were perfectly happy for the Batista regime to kidnap, torture, and publicly execute anyone suspected of opposing them.
Rural whites who want a return of manufacturing jobs aren’t delusional to want them to return. It would be great if that somehow happened.
Oh please stop with that bullshit that drafts are effective field levelers.
They do offer it on domestic flights, just not on Southwest.
Several years ago, American tried out a whole thing where they tore out some coach seats and gave everyone a few more inches of leg room in coach. Had a whole marketing campaign built around it. It was a disaster. It resulted in no increases in passengers and the airline lost money because they had fewer seats on the…
Term limits are such a good idea, that they’ve never been seriously implemented.
Rare earth metals absolutely exist in the United States. Rare earth metals are simply relatively expensive and dirty to refine. China doesn’t give a shit and has no problem just dumping tons and tons of toxic and radioactive sludge into its lakes and rivers. They made a conscious effort to increase output,…
Just to clarify, Trump doesn’t manufacture jack shit. He licenses his name and has about as much control over things beyond that as I do.
First off, foreign language instruction is regularly cut at a variety of schools. Most offer Spanish and French and that’s it. German language classes are continuously being cut and not replaced by anything to the point where it’s not particularly common (although certainly not rare). Chinese is really only growing at…
Pretty much. He doesn’t have anyone in the midfield who can get him the ball in space to allow him to create. On the receiving end, Bobby Wood makes nice runs and is pretty active, but he’s not the finisher Aubameyang is.
The only benefit is the loss of calories. A can of regular Coke has about 150 calories, a can of Diet has none. If you have two cans per day (24 oz), that’s 300 calories you’re saving or nearly a fifth of your daily calories for a 2,000 calorie diet.
More information on the substance causing nymphomania pleez.
He had it during Double Dare but he says it was never problem. My guess is that getting messy on that show was “supposed” to happen.