
I’m with you. I don’t give a hoot about Amy Schumer one way or the other, but I do realize that Amy Schumer and Kurt Metzger are not the same person.

What is this bullshit with holding a woman responsible for what a man does?

I love that people are able to look at theUS and then make posts like this with a straight face. People clutching their pearls over this were never going to go to Rio in the first place.

“Plus, Amy may even be constrained to some unknown degree by her bosses or her legal responsibilities as his employer. There is likely a union involved, etc”

This. While the complaints regarding Metzger are valid and I’m glad to see he’s facing repercussions for his statements, it is absolutely bullshit that there’s an expectation that people respond to the Internet Mob in real time. Presumably Schumer just fired someone she has (at least in the past) considered a personal

Making this about Schumer definitely falls into the “eating our own” problem a lot of internet feminism can have. So much energy goes into policing the mostly good who are not perfect, versus focusing on garbage like Metzger.

Whenever I teach my students about Emancipation, and the loophole in the 13th amendment that allows forced labor from prisoners, I like to tell them about how many American companies use imprisoned workers. Including Victoria’s Secret. I’m sure many are more bothered by the idea of prisoners touching their thongs than

Can we not blame Amy Schumer for the assholery of men she may have employed/known? Let’s stay focused on the true jerks who deserve our anger.

Generation Why episode 129. They devote a lot of time to the timeline of events, and how often that timeline contradicts the parents’ stories. It really hits home how long an intruder would have had to be in the house.

As I am discussing in the other thread, I need to know what podcast — I just listened to the Last Podcast on the Left’s theory, but I am looking for more now. I’m a podcast addict.

It’s race and class, there was a significant population of students at one of the universities I attended that would drive a mile everyday to campus rather than ride a free bus that ran every 12 minutes. I’m sure their parents and communities never told them outright that buses were supposed to be beneath them but

Do you live in Chicago? Because that’s where I am, and I totally get what you’re saying. I hardly ever took the bus when I lived in NYC because so many places were accessible by train, but when I moved to Logan Square in Chicago I learned pretty quickly that the bus was going to be vital.

And the rest of the country would like to remind New York that New York generally sucks.

That’s an excellent point. Phelps scowling became a symbol of how focused and serious an athlete he is. But god forbid Gabby Douglas not smile all the fucking time. Ridiculous.

Of course! Don’t you know girls must smile. all. the. time.???

Yes! That video of Phelps scowling was deemed hilarious but when gabby doesn’t smile on cue it’s not okay?

Is it possible that she might be feeling focused or serious as opposed to bummed? And even if she’s that a bad thing?

I just read an article today on that said after doing a press conference where she discussed the criticism she’s getting online, Gabby Douglas walked down the hall, turned into a corner, and cried facing the wall. That breaks my fucking heart. Jesus Christ, wtf America. She’s just a 20 year-old kid who’s more

What the fuck is wrong with people? She hasn’t been sour, she’s been serious. It’s a serious endeavor. She’s a THREE-TIME gold medalist in TWO Olympics. What the fuck have any of you done?

People are really ridiculous and need to leave her alone. You don’t have to put your hand over your heart for the anthem and God forbid she not be jumping and screaming.