bob derperson

Please provide examples of the totally original games that you play. I'm sure they are all unique and there is nothing else like them.

What are you talking about? The Japanese industry is far more homogenized than the western industry. Japan gives us fighting games, dating sims, and JRPGs with the odd adventure game thrown in. The west gives us everything else - and some "better than Japanese" games in the genres Japan tends to dominate. As someone

Without Japan to offer a design counterpoint to the ridiculous homogenization promoted by the Western AAA industry

I don't know, I see plenty of Western games that I'm excited over beyond EA, Ubisoft, and Activision. InXile and Obsidian both have some great games coming up, and Obsidian's long-term partnership with Pathfinder has me really excited. CD Projekt Red likewise has some good games coming up. Space sims are finally

Hopefully they make Castle Crashers 2 for the Xbox one.

I love that we live in a time where we can have portable, awesome looking long games. My childhood self would never believe that we would be able to play a game like Xenoblade Chronicles on something not much bigger than a deck of cards.

Everything about this game... Just like bang zoom man you know

These people aren't concerned about Journalistic Integrity, Jason, you and I both know it. Want proof? Just look at their reaction to this current "scandal" (you can't see it but I did finger quotes at my computer) and then compare it to an ACTUAL integrity issue like the firing of Jeff Gertsmann over poor review

Its like gaming as a medium is going through the teenage years. Wanting to be taken seriously but violently opposing criticism or just good advice.

I've never quite understood the logic that Anita and her ilk are the enemies of gaming. People are always demanding that gaming be taken seriously, and then when critics take aim — which is the hallmark of the maturation of a medium — gamers are pissed.

As a Black male who has been playing video games for thirty or more years, the internet era is a confusing one. The gameplay and interaction have improved so much...and teaming with new and old friends, near and far away has been great. On the other hand, I've experienced racism to the extent that I've only really

Anyone who thinks gamers aren't so bad need to take a trip down to their comment section

OK, but this post is about the internet hate machine, which is very large. This post is not saying that everyone calling for transparency in journalism is also sending death threats to women, but it sure is condemning the latter group. (And I'll go ahead and say it: if anyone reading this has sent death threats, feel

Having concerns about the ethics of a writer is a valid position.

I haven't been able to watch, read, or play anything in years, I'm stuck just looking at myself in the mirror :/

If I ever came across ANYBODY mentioning a game in their resume that shit is in the trashcan. Unless this was part of a development-type position and the game was part of a portfolio, hell no.

I never understand these kinds of overreactions these days. After all maybe like 10+ years ago it sorta sometimes stuck that a game would remain an exclusive depending on the title. These days though you can always count on a majority of games especially big name ones like Tomb Raider sooner or later hitting other

I agree with this, I really like what they've been doing with the game. I understand why some people lost interest, but I don't understand the general hate. I don't play all the time, but I pop back in pretty regularly, and I almost always have a good time with it.

Now playing

How did he not remember? It had his friggin' name on it.