But this is part of the reason why minority heroes have such a problem succeeding. ANY hero who isn't a white male gets written off as "gimmicky" or "cheap" by a portion of comics fandom.
But this is part of the reason why minority heroes have such a problem succeeding. ANY hero who isn't a white male gets written off as "gimmicky" or "cheap" by a portion of comics fandom.
What I usually end up doing is figuring out which parts I want by using Newegg's searching interface, then I go buy them all on Amazon because Amazon is cheaper.
Thanks. I read your whole comment, too!
I read this "account" of DashCon and some kids were like "a bunch of us locked ourselves in bathroom stalls, crying and having panic attacks" and I admit it, I laughed pretty hard.
Tip 1: don't hire out an expensive hotel to hold something like this.
Does a game need to have a certain quota of innovations for you? Somewhere between 3-7 innovations? Or maybe it has to have over 10 innovations for this commendation not to be "sad". Why are you player hating?
Yeah, see, you are quickly going to run into silly things like technical limitations if that approach were taken, which is why it works for PnP, but not so much for console/PC based games. So, I'd say, no, not bad writing, just doing what they consider reasonable within the limitations of the medium.
100% of the prison population in a women's prison is... women.
"Its the ramblings of a mad man with the money to animate them. "
lol, directors.
Only one of those people is a director. Dostoyevsky was a nineteenth-century Russian dissident author and Caravaggio was an Italian Baroque painter. Kubrick, interestingly enough, is quoted as identifying most as a photographer who dabbled in storytelling. Point being, the reference is intertextual because video…
The lack of games is a very good point. I'm fine with the smaller game offerings. The big retail games like Forza and Ryse I bought when they came out with the console, but there are a lot of indie games I haven't picked up like LocoCycle and Crimson Dragon. Those games didn't get the greatest critical reception, but…
"Nothing newer then the day it comes out."
Why does it need to be a softer side? I'm a female and I totally love shooting people in the face (in fact I always go for headshots if I can, sometimes to my detriment as I get picky about that headshot and take too long and get killed in the process).
Clearly they don't, because they're still fighting.
yeah, but lets go a little further, im a male, a straight one in fact, probably also a data point, and you know what i prefer to see on screen? hint, not a guy. unless he is a cool looking monster guy like an argonian or iksar or a awesome robot.
"I think there should be more girl characters in games"