bob derperson

Nominating this thread as the official request thread for an entry of the Fire Emblem series on the Wii U. Could possibly use the GamePad for navigating troops while seeing awesome stuff on the big screen. Star this or the original post to vote!

New 2D or 3D Metroid. Fav this up peeps!!

I particularly enjoyed the patronizing tone from someone who called me out for "being a prick."

I think there's at least some room on the video game sidekick spectrum between "Emotionless Drone" and "Navi."

Maybe hire a decent writer?

Well I'm bored of people like you seeming to think that not representing 51% of the population and 49% of gamers is a good idea.

How is it a fake outrage? It's not like the news is just making this up, I know plenty of real people who are upset about the continued lack of women in big name games. Especially when the developers use half-assed excuses like these.

If an amazing writer could figure it out, I hope you can too:

Yup, you nailed it. There are people out there who won't give a crap about a new (admittedly amazing-looking) Zelda game. There are plenty of people who couldn't care less about the Master Chief Collection, or Ori and the Blind Forest. Hell, a whole lot of people won't be interested in touching another Dark

Every time I see someone say who has "won" E3, I just sigh.

dem beautiful ones tho. They should have called it halo the one collection.

Yeah, not so sure why people got so excited over a press conference filled with HD-rereleases.

Losers: Halo and Forza fans

PC, guys.

Now... its time for Nintendo to show off their goods. So far, Sony is winning. We shall see tommorow at noon (EST)

I was not even expecting this. I wonder if it'll be in a jungle? Will you have to jump on crumbling platforms?

It really kind of does, that trailer as I'm watching it now excited me more than any other game at the show, except The Witcher 3.

Because you are dead inside.

People are really bad at talking about video games