bob derperson

The gameplay wasn’t the refined machine it is now, but I actually think Far Cry 2 is the most successful in the series in terms of thematic execution. Succesful enough for me to call it a success. Okay, you can argue for Blood Dragon, but I think in going for some actual complexity, FC2 had much greater ambitions.

Shut the fuck up.

1. They know a 19 year old with a history of mental illness and run-ins with the police was easily able to get an AR-15 thanks to the NRA and GOP.

Please let it be a port machine...

i hope they don’t bring them back, because most user reviews for games suck.

“I think Trump is doing great with black voters!” Diante said, staring up at me with a somewhat odd grin.”

Every time they push more FFXV DLC.

Oh those poor Gamergate CHUDS must be really conflicted now that their glorious leader is pulling a Jack Thompson.

The movie is literally based on their mistake not doing that... But I guess that completely went over your head.

Why do we need a video game, for example, that encourages people to kill people? Whether it’s lyrics, whether it’s TV shows, whether it’s movies, I’m asking the producers of these products, these video games and these movies, ask yourselves what redemptive value, other than shock value, other than the hope you’ll

Look, man, I asked people to ask me questions, and they asked me some pretty (purposely) stupid questions. I answered the framerate / resolution question in the text of this blog post. If you wanna know how big the file size is: Bayonetta 1 is 8.5 gigabytes and Bayonetta 2 is 12.4 gigabytes. The rest of the questions

When you woke up this morning, did you think of yourself as someone who would call the teenaged survivor of a mass shooting a liar on the internet, or are you surprised to learn that about yourself?

The worst part of this thread is the mention of painful vaginal sex.

I love when people come onto comments sections to mansplain (for lack of a better term) the inconsistencies in some stupid old saying.

The real crime is that people think Steam reviews are useful.

How many male politicians are called opportunists?

Haven’t read the book but I have read (and use in my college-level critical thinking course) his essay “Bajadas” (which I assume is in the book). The activists have this dude all wrong. He got into the BP in hopes of being an agent of change. He thought he could affect policy and save migrants’ lives. He was

What did the Sandy Hook shooter use? What did the Pulse nightclub shooter use? What did the Las Vegas shooter use?

There’s a whole ocean of microtransaction revenue down there! No one can get it except for me!

What I’m lamenting is that we’ve become so thin-skinned and intolerant as a nation.