
This guy needs to make like a tree and get Dutch Elm disease.

To be fair, he was probably never beaten for drug use or promiscuity. He was beaten for “talking back”. Because that’s what’s really important: submitting yourself to people who will hurt you if you don’t kowtow to them.

Peterson didn’t “discipline” his child, he abused him. There is no justifiable reason to beat a 4-year old with a switch until they bleed.

“If you spare the rod, you spoil the child,”

Well, how is he supposed to know if he did anything wrong if someone doesn’t beat the shit out of him first?

but there’s a couple of real solid cheap shots in there.

I disagree entirely. I don’t understand why this is news. It’s 2015, how in the world can people still actually care about baseball?

Now that was a controlled demolition.

Bicycle (hitting a parked car) kick

Every time someone mentions the Miami Dolphins I think of Ace Ventura with a plunger on his face.

He touched her purposefully without her consent. That is sexual assault. That is more than sleazy, that is criminal. Saying otherwise sounds like some MRA bullshit.

Uh, he’s a coach - an authority figure with direct control over her life at the institution. If it doesn’t cross the line into criminal, it tiptoes up to it, and it damn well destroys his ability to be employed in any similar capacity.

Croce sounds like a real Kane enabeler.

this should be great comment section

Rex claimed I.K. because, as we all know, the Enemkpali of our enemy is our friend.

Well it’s not like the guy stepped on any toes.

And this marks the last time you’ll see any report about Illini football generated outside the state of Illinois.
