Stevie Knicks

Nah, Kanye isn’t trying to pull off any cool schemes. He’s just a dumb-dumb.

I have trouble hating the stupid. I usually just feel bad for them and get lost in thought wondering what it would be like to be unable to put together logical thought.

Trevor Noah is bad. Tervor Noah is also 100 times better than Larry Wilmore.

True. It all just depends on the couple. For some people that breach of trust will be impossible to overcome, but for others they will learn from the situation and improve the issues in the relationship that led them astray in the first place.

Because it appears either I understand common sense and cause and effect much better than the person that wrote that book, or you misunderstood the conclusions that were reached.

You can’t possibly think that cheating on someone isn’t a shitty thing to do can you? People make bad choices some times. They can learn from those choices and become better people. That’s how life works.

That’s all very interesting and worthwhile to do. It gives a great insight into the minds of people that have been through it. It also doesn’t change the fact that just because they couldn’t articulate why they cheated doesn’t mean there wasn’t a reason. People don’t do hurtful things to people they care about for no

You can call it a “psychological study” all you want, what you linked boils down to what one person’s opinion is on the subject not an actual science. Given that, if someone’s opinion is that people just do things that would devastate the people they say they love for no reason, then the person with that opinion is

Cheating on someone makes you at best, a temporarily shitty person. You may improve yourself and stop being a shitty person, but in that moment you decided your own short-term selfish desires were more important than the commitment you had made with someone else, therefore making you a shitty person. People make

That’s a big load of horseshit. Cheating is always a sign something is wrong, basically by definition. You don’t do something that would devastate your significant other for no reason. Just because some dumb-asses couldn’t articulate why doesn’t mean nothing was wrong.

Ronin, Annabelle, and the Skye Terrier were robbed. This was not justice.

The dumb ones are her and everyone feeding her money. It’s not limited to just one.

No joke. Some of those are really cool, but that first one in the picture looks like a giant trash bag. I assume no one will ever buy and wear that one unless it’s as a joke.

You are apparently Jennifer Lopez.

Exaggerating contact is one thing, taking a dive is something different. You ought to get a red for diving.

Yah, that makes sense with my experience too. The guys could draw quite a crowd of Chinese women, but the American women were pretty much universally ignored. That pissed off more than one of my friends for sure.

Oh the giggling and fleeing is a thing too for sure. I’m sure it’s pretty dependent on age. The roughly college age girls were very socially immature compared to what you would expect for the same age in the US. Lots of nervousness and giggling and fleeing at first. Once we were around for a little bit though they

Interesting. As a white guy who was in mainland China for a few months I’d say it was very very much the opposite of negative. I have zero experience with anywhere else Asia related.

When people talk about SJW’s taking things way too far, they are talking about you and situations like this. They went to an interstellar party dressed up in bright purple and tin foil. Just stop.

So if I’m reading your last two comments correctly you think Kinja is great, like story mode on Diablo 3 the most, and think adventure mode is lame. In other words, you are the 1%.