Stevie Knicks

Boring and unrelated?

What could possibly ever lead you to think Uber will ever help drivers pay for gas? That has absolutely nothing to do with what this story is about, and there is a 0% chance that they ever do that.

I mean, this was basically a “That’s what she said" joke. It's not really offensive in any way.

I think the best part is that that letter writer called it a birth defect like that in some way justifies his rage. Would reading a book about a couple of autistic kids cause him to write the teacher a hate filled letter? Which birth defects are OK to openly mock or cause intense rage when brought up?

Actually that's kind of the definition of it right?

Donald Trump winning the Presidency would be a great thing for democrats though. Hillary isn’t really a liberal anyway, so it’s not like you’re sacrificing a good candidate. Plus Trump would be such a disaster the dem's wouldn't lose an election for like a century.

You’re right, the guy who the Cavs didn’t even bother to guard on offense half the time and who was guarding the first player in NBA history to lead BOTH teams in points, rebounds, and assists in an NBA finals is the guy who should win it. That makes sense somehow.

We went to different junior highs. In my HIGH SCHOOL physics class we basically used the first half of the semester on how to calculate acceleration, and the entire second half of the semester was spent with each class (there were 2 classes) building catapults to launch cantaloupe as a contest. I designed and built

Quick not really on topic question in regards to that. If someone had committed a crime against her because she was black, could they get tried for a hate crime given that she isn't actually black? What if convicted of a hate crime against her, and now people find out she isn't back. Can that be appealed. All

So if that picture was actual Olympic Tug Of War, wouldn’t the appropriate strategy be for one team to suddenly give them slack so they all fall over and then win easily?

Something tells me I'm going to get some weird looks when I ask to see the "plus sized mechanic" later when I go get my oil changed.


Damn. I am going to run a very negative campaign next year though. Watch out!

Wait, who was named the cat renaming spouse president? I didn't even know it was time for the election again.

Ultra secret motivation discovered!

A $60 grill brush? WTF! Who the hell would ever buy a $60 grill brush?

So lot's of people are talking about the adjustments the Dubs need to make, and they are all talking about how to change their offense to be more effective. I get that to some degree given that their offense is used to being amazing. However, why doesn't anyone talk about their defense. The whole narrative around the

They are probably just there to eat and avoid pissing you off by not going.

It's the NBA finals, why the fuck aren't the Dubs playing full tilt then?

But what you are suggesting is encouraging more Hardens, and the crap to watch that it is, and discouraging LeBrons. If LeBron flails around and over-exaggerates/flops more like Harden does he probably gets those calls more often. Instead of goes as hard as he can through the contact to still try to make an actual