
Haha, spot on.

Don't you remember the fifth of November?

I'm Korean and Tae Kwon Do does look pretty stupid. I would say it's useless as well but my mind changed when I saw my friend who knows TKD get pissed and kick a mother effing door down.

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then Sikh to win." -Sun Tzu

Doesn't NASA sort of have a track record of lazy photoshopping? On the other hand, I hope a little more work than spamming the all-powerful clone tool went into this wonderfully famous photo.

HOLY CRAP. I was expecting something incredibly terrifying to pop out. So when the Gizmodo logo popped up at the end I nearly shat myself.

Leave me your email and I'll send it as soon as I'm done eating :)

Haha, this. My heart aches more that it'll be on Verizon first. :(

Gloves would probably be your better option since they also somewhat protect your hand against calluses. Plus, I'd imagine that the next person that uses the bar wouldn't be too happy about product being all over it. This, of course, doesn't apply if you workout at home.

Haha, I love how when you ask for illegal drugs it points you towards an addiction treatment center. Soon, our phones will be making moral and health decisions for us.

Ahhh, we are creatures of habit. For some reason, when it comes to technology, I constantly find myself doing things habitually.

One of the best posts I've read here and it has almost nothing to do with gadget news.

If someone could invite me I would really appreciate it :) Woohoo!

Wow perfect choice of music.


Double lighting all the way!!

The best rant was definitely the one reviewing an ipad keyboard.

I find it extremely amusing that condom breakage = sex by surprise.

I looked at the cans and thought they were the most beautiful headphones I have ever seen. I looked at the price and wanted to hurl myself off a building.