
"Here's how it performed in GeenBench against the Acer Aspire TimelineX"

I don't know about most people but I feel a lot more comfortable that the brake pedal is close to the accelerator. I don't want to jump through a hoop in order to be able to suddenly brake. just my 2 cents though.

@mr_rich101: my iPhone doubles as a freaking lightsaber. A LIGHTSABER!!!!!

@Gann: The world is full of copycats...

What kind of algorithm do they use to turn a heartbeat into a musical note? It seems like a very strange concept. To turn a beat into something that can be written down as a certain note at a certain pitch with a given duration and a given volume. More interesting than the music itself, I believe, is the software used

"This is too much power for one person."

This is probably me just being paranoid but I'm skeptical of "budget" and "space flight" being used in the same sentence. Maybe because budget often means lower quality, but it is not always true. For me, especially since space is such a new frontier, I would want the top of the line quality in everything. Doesn't

@sid9221: Oh c'mon. We all know Photoshop is solely for helping major company's images. Plus points when its thrown together so horribly that Gizmodo runs a Photoshop event trying to help them.

The geek in me has a deep desire to destroy this couch. The connoisseur in me says well done.

That's not a spirit bomb. They usually take about 5 episodes to create and a lot of unnecessary yelling.

How real ninjas do it.

Am I the only person skeptical of induction charging? I mean c'mon.. how hard is it to plug your phone into the wall / USB? Granted, I have never tried induction charging so I might just be missing the amazing experience (doubtful).

Honestly its pretty simple. The crazier you seem, the more people avoid you. If you are singing out loud then people might inch away. If you are singing while completely nude, i can guarantee you people will be running away. Might get arrested though.

@N7: Also, if you stare too hard their brains might blow up into 20 million different fragments.

@Jakooboo- Now with 100% less pants!: I'm totally with you. I used to step on and off the scale timing it so the needle would smash side to side. Such precious childhood memories.

AWWWW. no point in watching Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan anymore. THANKS GIZMODO. :o

LOL apparently meet-and-greet now means see-and-blitzkrieg-the-hell-out-of-them.

So can this actually be used on a drum set? The video shows there's lag between the tap and activation of the light. Would be pretty cool if there was no lag at all. I would buy this and do snare rolls all day.

"There is only one Lord of the Card, only one who can bend it to his will. And he does not share power."