Steve Vicious

Corey Booker’s speech rightfully went viral.

I know his perspective is rooted in hatred, not ignorance, but it’s probably worth pointing out that the perfect correlation Cawthorn seems to assume exists between chromosomes and genitals just isn’t there. Intersex people are real. Not everyone has XX or XY chromosomes. And not every person with XX chromosomes has a

It’s a good thing he didn’t see the scene where the Riddler gets vaccinated.

LMAO. As someone who grew up at the height of Jim Carrey’s films where he would use tree branches to lift women’s skirts, would lay on the floor and slide between a standing women’s legs, etc. he should be looking to his own films about how they negatively influenced teenage boys to act towards me and other young

Boffo Deez Nutz?

This whole controversy is so wild to me, like I can’t imagine a dude getting slapped for running his mouth like that being referred to as “a deeply shocking, traumatic event” lmao where I come from we call that “Friday night”

So next week Sony’s Gamepass competitor will be unveiled? I’ll say it right now, if it doesn’t include launch titles it will be a fail. That’s one of the main reasons why Gamepass is so popular. You can’t put old games on it like PSnow and expect a win.

Having had no luck getting a PS5 but wanting to finally get around to playing the couple of PS3 & PS4 exclusives that I missed, assuming the cloud streaming option is priced competitively I might sign up for this just to play stuff like Spider-Man and until I finally get a PS5.

Reminder that with modern-day conservatives, every single accusation they make, without fail, is projection.

I was listening on NPR, and he kept badgering Judge Brown Jackson to answer his question, and I literally yelled at the radio “ SHE WOULD FUCKING ANSWER IT IF YOU WOULD STOP TALKING OVER HER, YOU DUMBASS.”

Mid-afternoon I thought “hey, let me check in on the hearings” just in time for Cancun Karen to hit peak insufferable shitbag. The ability of Moscow Mitch, Ms Lindsey and Nazi Howley to fill with rage absolutely pales in comparison to this MFer. I cannot fathom how that boil on the ass of humanity has not had his face

I’ve said stuff like this since the 2010 midterms. If you want your glorious revolution, then you have to actually get off your rear and VOTE. Always. My state has some of the most progressive voting laws in the country, and people still can’t find one hour in 60 days worth of in person or mail in voting to do it.

It’s also symptomatic of Democratic voters to push really hard in the Presidential election years and place a lot of weight on the President, but ignore the part of the government that actually makes the laws.

All of this is true but there’s one section that seems to be notably missing which is how a large vocal contingent of the “progressive left” has spent the last four years with what seemed to be enjoyment grinding down any woman in politics who didn’t match their fictional idealised view of them.

Are you high? Nowhere near “nearly every car is a Tesla”.  That’s not even remotely true.  Even speaking in hyperbole that’s not remotely true.  I think electric vehicles are great, but let’s not pretend people haven’t had quality control issues with their Teslas.

Here in California, that’s a load of crap. There are a decent number of Teslas, but it’s by no means “nearly every car.” It might be a sign to get out of your bubble and see more than just the Tesla crowd.

LOL, that’s not remotely true, and I say that as someone who visits Silicon Valley regularly.

Fuck off with this horseshit.

He’s not an engineer, he’s not a scientist, he’s just a techbro who dropped out of grad school after three days to found a startup where he takes other people’s money and uses it to pay real engineers and real scientists to re-invent tunnels.

elon musk is a modern day snake-oil salesman and we need to stop giving him money and attention.