Steve Vicious

Oh fuck off with the self-pitying sanctimonious twaddle. You clearly have serious antagonistic issues with women when your whole persona screams “of course they don’t like me, I’m not the muscular “confident” hunk they go for” which is still blaming women.

No, you haven’t been on a date for 21 years because you’re a fucking creep with a lot of antagonism towards women, but simply as it’s not the “DudeBro” style creep you think it’s fine to say.

And whenever you pass a woman you tip your fedora to them.

Your notifications deserve to be set on fire for the idea that “Jordan Peterson can tell you how to be a good man.” He’s a bigoted, misogynistic hack. (

... and this won’t be corrected and it won’t be the last time you see it.

All that talent, and she’s an Ivy Leaguer as well!

“Political headlines are of no value to the millions of Americans struggling to afford groceries and gas as inflation soars to 9.1 percent. Senator Manchin believes it’s time for leaders to put political agendas aside, reevaluate and adjust to the economic realities the country faces to avoid taking steps that add

slut shaming is something done to actual women, not oversexualized female characters made by and for men. criticizing quiet’s design is criticizing the men who made her, not quiet herself

Alright, the tankies have weighed in.

Ok, some clarification may be in order here regarding the context.

First of all, the only thing Biden can promise is a nomination. He can’t promise any votes from the Democratic caucus, and he can’t promise that no Democratic Senator won’t filibuster the nomination (and under existing rules any Democratic Senator can

Nine likes for that initial comment. No wonder we are fucked. You all don’t even know what the game you’re playing is, much less how to win it.

Then you are stupid. There is literally nothing the Democrats could’ve done that wouldn’t have resulted in this as it is not about actual Constitutionality, but about the religious beliefs of these 5 justices. Any law would’ve been overturned.  This has been the plan.

Huh? Any rights codified by Congress can be taken away by Congress. Therefore, if Democrats had tried to push through a bill establishing abortion rights, it undermines the idea from Roe and Casey that abortion rights are inherent within the constitution, and basically would have given credence to conservative

I was in this district while this campaign was going on for the special election. Shontel Brown ran a professional, organized, and disciplined campaign. She came off very, very well in her public appearances, as someone who would take the job seriously and work toward Democratic goals. Nina Turner, on the other hand,

That’s fair. I personally get tired of what feels like “magical thinking” to me. He is president and we want more so he should find a way to do it. Trump didn’t have congress blocking him at every turn. Roosevelt was governing an entirely different country in a less polarized environment.

I’m sure the Georgia and Arizona suburbs would’ve really come out en masse for Bernie Sanders. And all the youth that couldn’t bother to show up in any prior election or primary would’ve certainly shown up in the general election.

Sounds kind of selfish of your sister. But you do you, who cares about fascism?

How are you going to “bully” the Republicans and/or Joe Manchin or Kristen Sinema into doing anything?

This age group overwhelmingly wanted Bernie Sanders’ much more ambitious, much more radical platform