He won’t answer you. Just badly spaced paragraphs of rambling nonsense peppered with “Warren is Hillary 2.0" or “Warren is the same pantsuit as Hillary”.
He won’t answer you. Just badly spaced paragraphs of rambling nonsense peppered with “Warren is Hillary 2.0" or “Warren is the same pantsuit as Hillary”.
Bruh Funny Games messed me up first time I watched it. Was ZOOTED and was holding the remote when they rewind that part in the living room. Was freaking out like “I’m not pressing any buttons why is the movie rewinding.”
And he never said who he’s voting for. I asked on other articles and asked on this one too.
Hey this again. Maybe I missed your response to my last comments but who would you prefer? Seems you just like shitting all over everyone else/being negative and telling us who our choices are bad.
Thats not how it works. Most likely either you or her looked it up at some point online. If you’re talking about it out loud you most likely looked up something like it online at some point.
And what’s crazy is IF LeBron is right and tweets COULD cause harm to people then that only validates Morey’s original tweet/idea about the people of Hong Kong’s freedom/Chinese gov.
The FSU fan in me likes your username. The Arsenal fan in me does not like your comment (but it’s true).
I hate that show. The food she makes looks awful
It’s a conservative talking point. This person is obviously aware people can focus on more than one issue at a time. Any time CA does ANYTHING conservatives like point out the homeless problem as if it’s a sign of our failure as a state. “If CA is soo good why do they have some many homeless people” type bullshit.
You’re a moron, and you comment history only furthers that.
He does this same shit on every post. Attack you, not answer any questions or provide any solutions of his own.
“A lot of these things in this world were only a dream for Martin Luther King. Not a one-term, but a two-term African-American president. And this is a terrible country? That was a dream for Martin Luther King. [There are] interracial marriages. I go to a church that’s an interracial church. Those were only dreams for…
That and this is a dude who has been kicked out of West Virginia casinos at least 6 times for being too drunk. That’s amazing for a grown, not-in-their-20's anymore adult.
+1 Bloody (right)sock
I also want to make it clear I don’t dislike Bernie at all. Maybe some of his supporters but his polices are great. I’d even vote for Uncle Joe should he win the nom (ewwww) because I’m a grown-up and realize the world isn’t going to bend over backwards just for me.
I also own a Ron Artest Kings Jersey (in purple). I also own a Tyreke Evans jersey. Being a Kings fan is hard.
I love that gif. Dude is sooo angry.
I like Liz for switching from Rep to Dem. It shows critical thinking. She got new information and made a decision based off of that new information. That’s smart. More people should do that.
Yea Mrs. Vicious wants to go on one too. Also Mrs. Vicious and I had a layover in Iceland on our way to Germany. Iceland kinda sucks. I hate nature and I’m cheap but Reykjavik sucked. Obvi it was -3485734905830 degrees but the food was terrible and cost and arm and a leg. We went to some divey, bar type place to get a…
Blippi creator Stevin John