Even though hes kind of a clown, I do like when Stephen A. Smith said “fair is a place where they judge pigs, nobody cares about fairness”.
Even though hes kind of a clown, I do like when Stephen A. Smith said “fair is a place where they judge pigs, nobody cares about fairness”.
In college I took a Chicano Lit class and the subject of brown pride came up. This chick (guess her race) raised her hand and asked why it’s OK to say/have brown pride but not OK to say/have white pride. The teacher said “well you can say white pride but people are going to think your a white supremacist due to what…
And therein lies the rub. White privilege allows them to not acknowledge their white privilege.
LOL stop bruh. He lost FL by like less than 2% and you know there was some fuckery going on with their voting. I’m gonna guess your a Bernie or Bust type. I don’t remember but did he recently win anything? Like in 2016 maybe? I know your a troll (and a shitty one) but please don’t throw a temper tantrum and sit out…
Either way, it’s made quite the impact on the world.
Where was God when this dudes kid got fucking murdered over a parking space? Also you must be really fun at parties.
Fox is trash period. Every Fox Sports talking heads show is fucking terrible. It’s the network that employs Stephen from Django I mean Jason Whitlock, Skip Bayless and Colin Cowheard. All those dudes are republican trash.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
The NFL has a personal conduct policy. Pretty sure credible rape accusations, mising work and talking shit to your boss violate that policy. Ray Rice was never charged with anything and his contract was voided in a hot second.
Tucker is troll, disregard
You mean like Liz Warren?
I learned it’s pronounced Kessska, like NASA and not C, S, K, A, like FBI which seems weird to me.
+Some videotapes to return
I fully understand why coaches don’t want players to get paid. I personally don’t think they should be either.
I wonder how someone named Baker Reagen Mayfield leans politically?
He absolutely knows what he’s doing. Bet he goes to Starbucks and says his name is “Trump or MAGA” and then waits to get confronted. Then it’s “I’m the victim here...”
Not to mention how much does a 10-day jail sentence cost that municipality? I can bet it’s more than whatever fine he had to/would have had to pay.
You fucking serious right now? So non-voters should get jail time too? Fuck off.
Like others have said that’s a risk that company needs to take to hire good employees. Or the could...pay more