cash only > cashless
cash only > cashless
George straight up roofied his boss when he thought he was gonna get fired. I thought Jerry just had her eat a ton of turkey and drink a ton of boxed wine.
No cereal?
Took me a second there my man...LOL
I’d like to think when people say “poor” in the comments they maybe mean “broke”. Like paying off all bills, but not having a ton/anything left over for fun extra type shit or nothing left over to actually build a savings.
Came here to post the exact same thing.
Maybe if you live in Wyoming. Try making that much in CA.
I really wish more people thought of white supremacy in this way. I live in San Diego and because people don’t see burning crosses or klan robes they think white supremacy is a myth or over exaggerated by race baiters and people trying to drop the “race card”.
It’s exhausting. Mrs. Vicious friend just had a baby and they took the baby to wine trivia nite when we all met up. Baby was very well behaved but even then it was still exhausting for me (yea like anyone cares! lol). Babies demand attention even when you aren’t responsible for their well being. And like of course a…
The company I work for sounds EXACTLY like the authors (even down to the 2 beer kegs, well those were replaced with fucking cold brew and kambucha, the sun chips and the video games {we have ps4}).
RE Ulitmate teams:
Um yea but fucking 12 YEAR OLD Tamir Rice is now gone.
Police were at the house when Theriot drove up with a gun pointed out the window of his vehicle. He dropped the gun on command and police arrested him.
As an adult it was difficult for me to not mix up love & lust. AS. AN. ADULT.
So me banging a drum in your face means it’s OK for you to say something racist? And I’m not saying racism from black people isn’t real or a problem, it is.
So basically you’re cosigning all the racist behavior, from both sides, because, “hey that’s America and its our right to do so”.
Mr. Phillips was trying to keep peace. .He was trying to diffuse a situation. I obviously understand “getting in someones face” is going to cause a reaction.
So are you suggesting the black Israelites being “mean” to these kids justifies their behavior towards Mr. Phillips? Because that what it sounds like my dude.
It’s a good sales tactic; getting people in the YES mindset/saying yes leads to more Yes’s