Steve Vicious

It’s called the Illusion of Choice. I worked with kids with Autism and that is a tactic we used every dang day. 

At the Tijuana border crossing people selling necklaces and shit literally put the necklace on you.  It’s wild.

But does she LET you plan? What I mean by that is would she let you actually plan AND carry out something. Mrs. Vicious does that all the time: asks me to plan something, I don’t plan it at the level she felt sufficient, so she ends up doing all the work.

I guess I am impressed he has zero shame in that regard. Would be like if 16 year old me was director/leading man.

I’m mad at southern frat boys for ruining topsiders/sperrys. Fuckin WASPY assholes.

In Clint Eastwoods latest movie, The Mule, which he directed, Clint Eastwoods character has 2 SEPARATE THREEWAYS!!!!

Are we sure the MASL isn’t like, a higher division of VAVI?

I went to high school in san diego.  Our high school was in the Point Loma neighborhood. We were the Point Loma Pointers.  Pointer dog as the mascot.  Pretty dang dumb all around.

OJ killed some people!

He must not have friends.  Who told him that was a good look?

Every time I click “sign in with facebook” it just loops back to the same screen and I am not signed in. 

AND they choose to respond using gif/memes of black people. Obvi hip-hop does not automatically equal black but it’s hard to separate the two.

God you’re a prick. But if we have an open bar someone may get “gasp” drunk and what would the kids think? WHO IS THINKING ABOUT THE CHILDREN!?!?!?!?!?

It’s already happening:

That’s some mighty projecting on your side. Also no the wedding is not about the other people there, it’s about the bide (and the groom but mostly the bride). From practical reasons (some of the bridal parties have young kids, like ages 1-3 and the spouses would be responsible to watch them during the ceremonies) to

+1 cigarette in the hot tub with Jack Wilshere.

I’ve seen Arnheim post before and he/she seems like the type of person who enjoys the smell of their own farts.

Wait you DON’T steadfastly believe a virgin became pregnant without having sex, and that baby was actually an alien from the sky. Then when that baby got killed it came back 3 days later as a zombie.

Is Portland actually super hipster-ish?  I feel like all I know about it is from Portlandia, which is amazing. 

So the Saints watched a lot of Cox on film? I usually try to vary it up, maybe some girl on girl or solo stuff every now and then.