Steve Vicious

fuck off.  So since trash ass Sarah Silverman was ok with it all other women should be too?  Did I get that right? 

Sorry bout I have ZERO sympathy for CK. I think the most important thing to point out is that he DID engage in a criminal act and will suffer ZERO legal consequences. He “went away” and “lost millions” due to HIS FUCKING BEHAVIOR. He’s no victim and deserves WHATEVER he gets.

Christ the bar is low. Doing what you’re supposed to do doesn’t cancel out being a POS Trump supporter. Your cousin is either a proud white supremacist, or someone who ONLY cares about themselves/is wildly ignorant.  Anyone with a shred of human decency would see how toxic and bad Trump is. 

Yea IDK. Seems like the fact that so many in the comments were quick to defend the joke gives more credence to the original article. Obviously those comments are reactions TO the article.

Maybe because it seems like a performance and didn’t seem sincere.  Seems like there’s frustration on the author’s part for Andy to distill something so complex and important into a rushed, unfunny joke. I also think them panning to Coogler so quickly didn’t help at all.

IDK the joke didn’t really land but what I think the author is getting at is frustration on people getting props for doing the bare minimum. Then get seen as “woke” when in reality it’s all just lip service.

Yooo who’s this?  Rad to see some pointers on the root. 

I have zero problem with the author not rushing to pat Andy on the back for that joke. Common decency doesn’t deserve props, you shouldn’t get props for doing what you should do.

Ah nothing says fashion sense like an ill fitting suit and those lazy ass “dress shoes” that dudes wear. Feet are not square shaped.

Yea I don’t get how any of that works. I feel like I’ll never get un-grayed on deadspin b/c there’s like JeffVanHungry, Norm Charlatan and like 2 other dudes who get to leave funny/snarky comments on posts. I was ungray on Jez for like a hot min before that went to shit. Def not here or Kotaku. 

My dad and I went to NY about 10 or so years ago. We specifically went to Harlem and stayed in a hostel to save money. Telling people we were visiting NYC and staying in Harlem you would have though we were going to Fallujah or something based off of the responses we got.

Got to be right?  This is like the exact opposite of his post about kids vaping.  

I don’t get HamNo, specifically his response to your comment about talking with developmental psychologists regarding these movies. Maybe this is all sacarcasam/he’s being facetious. He said these movies are “a dangerous barrier to maturity”.

Take that big long nonsense answer and ask yourself if Maxine Waters or shit even AOC or everyone’s new fave Beto would answer that way.

+1 me

This always makes me laugh. I’ve done my share of parting and so have my friends and none of us has ever hit a J laced with dust. I feel like people who think she got something laced are also people who think drug dealers walk around trying to get people hooked/giving away free drugs.

This is dumb, people don’t just drug people with angle dust for LOL’z.  She just got a little high and is playing the role she always does: try hard to be extra hip, look like a dork (not a funny endearing one) in the process. 

Also what about insurance and liability? Say a student gets clipped by a teacher who stopped an active shooter, does the district pay for students’ injuries? I’d assume family could file a civil suit too. What if a weapon gets stolen; classrooms get broken into all the time. Is that teacher/school/district liable? Is

HamNo is that you?

When Ben fucking Affleck comes on your show and is the voice of reason...