I wonder if ESPN purposely had Max (white guy)being in the pro-Gordon corner and Stevie (black guy)being in the anti-Gordon corner.
I wonder if ESPN purposely had Max (white guy)being in the pro-Gordon corner and Stevie (black guy)being in the anti-Gordon corner.
I think a few factors are at play regarding baseball players:
Maybe if we can get like Nipsey Hustle or Mozzy to do a cover of like Mumford and sons to stop this nonsense. Like how CA got tough on gun laws after the panthers’ armed marches on the capitol in Sacramento.
The comments are amazing. Highly recommend. I plan on going back to them after work with a few glasses of wine and a few bowls in me.
And I never understood the logic of keeping him away from all team activities while suspended. If dude has legitimate mental health issues and struggles with addiction to weed, pain killers whatever; leaving him ALONE without support from his teammates and keeping him from doing his job that occupies his time is a…
Or we can be humans and worry about multiple things at once.
Jack Daniels is better for a kid then meth. You want lil Billy throwing down 5ths of JD because it’s “less harmful”. See how dumb that sounds?
I’m not at all buying that no smoking is an options. Anecdotal evidence is always weak but I grew up with friends who smoked cigs and I never did. I smoked weed so it wasn’t like I had an aversion to smoke in general.
The best I can say about vaping is that it’s almost certainly less harmful than smoking, and if not doing either isn’t a choice, vaping is incredibly much better.
Imagine how your lungs would feel if you, idk, STOPPED SMOKING ALTOGETHER. You pointing this out only furthers the OPs comment. Your health improved after putting less hard shit inside your body. Keep down that road and you see where I’m going with this.
Wonder if some of these same people were on team HamNo when he justified not voting.
Is the OP incorrect in saying vaping is bad for lungs?
Where did OP say he’d prefer kids doing coke vs. vaping? Just because something is safer than something else does not mean it is safe.
It blows my mind how people are are justifying HamNo, and shitting on you, by saying “well they could be smoking crack or doing meth, so let them vape.”
America bulldozes millions of acres of arable land and/or forested animal habitat to build moronic tract suburbs that necessitate driving instead of walking, just so each upper-middle-class nuclear family can have two furnished but empty spare bedrooms, both a “great room” and a den, an entire house worth of garage…
Don’t forget the lack of sideburns.
Apropos of nothing but why do HS and college football coaches never have sideburns?
Why did God make sin? If he/she is the creator of EVERYTHING, including free will for us, why would he ALSO allow sin to be a choice, knowing it’s “harmful” to us? I’m agnostic at best (atheists are just as obnoxious as evangelicals) so I’m not versed in religion but God seems like an asshole. Like he/she could have…
I used to work in customer service for a web hosting company. My first and last name was used in a bad yelp review (not public info, and per yelps TOS also not a review policy violation, and on google using non public info ABSOLUTELY is a review policy violation) because I had the nerve to tell this lady “yes your…