Steve Vicious

I didn’t think so many people would have responded to my comment. Me responding to grays prolly didn’t help. Replies ranged from “lol yea that is weird” to “its a very common name in the south” to “why is a white guy commenting on black peoples’names.”. 

Also The Root is the only site I’m not in the grays so usually my comments don’t get any replies/aren’t seen. 

Yea IDK why that JD thing stood out to me so much. Combine that with the fact I had just played the game a bunch the nite before AND the VPN was down at work so I couldn’t do any actual work.  AKA me wasting time on the internet going down the rabbit hole with this.  Realized I was spending wayyy too much time on this

1. How would me pointing out that a black man (fictional character BTW) named Jefferson Davis would be, interesting, funny, weird? I’m sure you’re aware of the humor there.

This dude I know tries to portray that artsy-earthy type image. Def has one of those old volkswagon vans that he paid a shitload for. Portrays that entire aesthetic to the nines. Does he have a beard and long hair? Bet your ass he does
 Do him and 10 plus years yoga instructor gf not believe in institute of marriage?

Yea I don’t “love” paid search advertising but I do love having money for things. 

Yea awhile back Mrs. Vicious wanted me to “be more communicative” and “express my feelings more”. So now when something is on my mind I say it. Let’s just say that hasn’t worked out very well so far.

“Just go to college” That was the mantra when I was a kid (I’m 32). Just go to college and everything else will be fine.  My Psychology degree with my minor in child development ain’t doing shit for me working in marketing.  I started making more in marketing advertising than working in schools.  Add to that that to

Stonewall Jackson huh?  At least dudes parents have a sense of humor. 

The specific combination Jefferson Davis. According to there are only 65 people named Jefferson Davis in the US. Maybe everyone is trolling me but how can I be the only person who thought it was weird a black man was named after the president of the Confederate states.

Good call was thinking private.  But wouldn’t a charter school that was also a boarding school require parents to pay?

Can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not. Tend to think it is as anyone with any knowledge of whom the real Jefferson Davis was would find this whole thing hilarious.

And Jefferson is a cop. Charter schools can be pricey.  

I feel like his “open-book celebrity persona” is A. annoying as shit ( just like their cutesy ass relationship ) and B. because he did/is doing extra bad shit on the low so he has to over-correct.

The charter school thing could KIND OF make sense.  And this is a comic about a boy who got bit by a spider and developed super powers but holy shit a middle aged black man being named Jefferson Davis?  LOL that makes absolutely no sense. 

LOL no, not at all. 

I’m sure you’ve seen this and have a rebuttal:

Also Scanner Darkly is a rad movie.  My friends and I talk about it to this day. 

Can anyone please explain how/why Miles Morales’ dad is a black dude named JEFFERSON DAVIS!!!!????

Maybe you were going for “six to one, half dozen to another.”