Amazing, Wish I could give more stars. Also how have I not seen this one. I love Bad Lip Reading.
Amazing, Wish I could give more stars. Also how have I not seen this one. I love Bad Lip Reading.
Cruise down to OB, North Park, City Heights, Barrio Logan...I could go on.
A black person who’s 50% white will still always be black. Whiteness is allowed to claim additional heritage while still being safely secured in its whiteness.
Thought we were done with this clown.
And we have dinner plans tonight without an actual restaurant yet. It’s before 8 am on the west coast and I already texted her asking where she wants to go.
Do you think that might change by 2020 or the midterms?
Hey Willie Taggert seems like a chill dude.
Bill Maher is an establishment Democrat and a free speech fundamentalist who genuinely believes that even the most lunatic wacko deserves to be heard. On the other hand, it’s been forever since he’s had a genuine leftist (think Greenwald, Scahill, Chomsky) on the show.
Mrs. Vicious: “I don’t know, give me some choices.”
Except shes not fat. How come white dudes get credit for things black and Mexican dudes have been doing for years. Thick women ain’t nothing new.
Those “I Love New York/Flavor of Live” marathons they play on VH1 on Sundays are dope hangover viewing. Don’t have to change the channel all damn day.
LaKKKeside, CLAN-Tee
I live in San Diego, born and raised. I was surprised to hear Escondido HS has so many minority students.
Wifey to his right looks STOKED, lol. Also is the brunette on his far left the same breezy who may or may not have flashed the white supremacy OK sign at his hearing the other day?
It’s really funny because a lot of those same people were, during early internet days, VERY weary of ANYTHING found online. Now they see something on Facebook and take it as fact.
During the last election this dude at work kept talking about “Benghazi” and “her emails” so one day I asked him why those things were problems.
As long as there’s NO FUCKING MERLOT.
Your NBA/NHL examples don’t hold weight in this discussion as those are the top leagues in their respective sports. Think does anyone here watch the G-league, Area football? They don’t