Steve Vicious

You’re not the only person who read it that way.  That guy can fuck off. Keep fighting the good fight my dude! 

Damn I jumped the gun, should have read down further but I saw and said the same thing.  That asshole Drewski been spewing this nonsense all day.

And here it is

Dopping N bombs is no fucking “mistake”.  A mistake is saying “shit’ in front of a toddler when you stub your toe.  Moral grandstanding is great and all but is this the hill you want to die on?

I’m sure you’re fimilar with Oroville, right down the road from Chico. 

Does he crouch down real low, pull up his shorts, then slap the floor like an idiot?  

Went to Chico State and stayed in town a few summers.  I also worked in childcare and saw a lot of methed out looking locals. 

You must be white. 

Blazers, multuple oxford shirts, kids in vests, awkward celebrations, man this might be the whitest gif ever. 

A certain kneeling QB does too!

It’s for sure clickbait but I think we all get the point of the article.  Bama schools don’t get points for having a “black friend”. 

He’s not wrong either.

This is so confusing. I’m mixed (black dad white mom) and look more white.  So that means since most people think I’m ONLY white that they are correct and I’m not?

I guess I just don’t see how punishing these mothers AFTER they are already pregnant helps that child.

Regardless of what the mother is and isn’t afraid of, one scenario leads to better prenatal care, one doesn’t.

You’re just buring your head in the sand. “If a mother is so concerned about policy that she doesn’t get prenatal care than shes unfit to be a mother.”

Bruh, the hole you’re digging isn’t getting any smaller.  Maybe sit a few plays out. 

Why ruin a wedding? A mans life was lost and all you can think about is some fucking wedding? FOH It’s not like they went to the wedding and started trashing the place. They confronted cop, and when asked to leave they did.

Bet Kinjaman prefers organic vs. non organic. LOL jk buddy.  Glad to see you fighting the good fight. 

So their wedding had a slightly uncomfortable moment then everyone went back to having fun. What about, as Ms. Judge so eloquently stated, Stephon Clark’s family?