
This is why I hate Gawker. Usually Deadspin is on point but they are taking everything completely out of context and even quoting only parts of a speech in order to get their “agenda” across. What kind of piss poor journalism is this? Deadspin your readers arent stupid and can see through this. Stop trying to

I rented one of these:

Speeds not imagined in other cars...ok...sure bro. Haha. My acr would like a chat with your rx8....😐

My Rotary powered RX8 is under-powered, inefficient, and torqueless. That said, it provides the most pleasurable driving experience.

It does, but it's super rare. I agree though, the ones that do it are the lowest of the low.

There are times when I’ll see a cluster of fairly well-dressed young people begging on a street in Manhattan, like one at the end of a block and one more in the middle of the same block. I wonder sometimes if some acting class has its students go out and pretend to be homeless.

What I’m looking for is Miller High Life. Which, in some places, costs only $7 for a six-pack.

And were basing the Bottas signing on what? All I’ve seen are rumors. I don’t think Kimi is done yet.

This is a huge peeve of mine.

Please, please review all of Jalopniks fast cars from now on.

What do you think, should we invite him back?

Wouldn’t this one be on the paramedics though? I would imagine they should get there and be like, “Hey guys, glad you nabbed him, but this is a great way to strangle someone. Lets just strap him to this thing the normal way and save everyone the trouble.”

YES. A limo should be quiet and peaceful. Also with the new Ludicrous Mode, you can scare the shit of passengers.

as if millions of hellcat owners suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced...

In Soviet Russia super weapon buys you.

Agreed. I was referring to his last three sentences.

Now playing

This is what we need. Minus driver aids, add drs, slick tires, etc.

Legal documents from the time of the crash refer to her as Bruce because that was her legal name at that time—so when outlets are reporting on the crash and police docs, they use Bruce because that’s what’s in the court papers.

If that’s what outrages you I’d look at redefining your priorities. It’s a far bigger atrocity that she got away with killing someone.

You are a nutjob if you truly believe that.