That’s funny because when I see vettes around here, and I sure see a LOT of vettes, i can’t help but think “Damn, that 45 year old guy’s gold chain is really shiny.”
That’s funny because when I see vettes around here, and I sure see a LOT of vettes, i can’t help but think “Damn, that 45 year old guy’s gold chain is really shiny.”
The fist shake really makes it.
I dunno about that.
Tell me someone actually put this picture on the internet and was serious about it.
Put him in a race car and let the lap times decide.
The problem is that of those cars, one is out of production, one is a concept, and two are lame.
Oh thank god. I thought I was the only one who finds Maseratis boring. They just opened a dealership in Rochester NY (ROCHESTER NEW YORK?) and I’ll be honest, when I see one driving around I can’t help but think “man, just buy an A8”.
Everybody all together now: This is why the dealership model is terrible.
“God did not simply place the Miata in you rear view mirror ...”
This, this and more this. I would buy a car with crank windows, manual locks, manual seats, etc tomorrow if it meant lower cost and less weight.
Lightweight, stripped down, great handling, fun, weekend cars that are most importantly ACCESSIBLE.
That coffee tastes like burnt shit water
Not terribly fast and stands up to neglect quite well.
Let them buy their own car. Or the bike they’re going to use to get to the job after school to pay for that car.
Give them a wide berth. Try to breathe deeply. Resist the urge to be vindictive. You can’t change patterned behavior from where you’re sitting. I mean, not legally at least.
I like when I’ve attempted to signal to the guy ahead of me in the left lane to move over... a few moments later he does! And as I start to get elated that my signalling was effective I realize they’re just sliding across 3 lanes of traffic to get to the exit they’re about to miss.
May I ask you why you chose the owl plates for your CR-V instead of one of the other designs?