
Ben looks like melting wax.

by far the best episode of this show. hilarious all the way through.

the first season was for sure a mixed bag. it had its brilliant moments and moments….not so brilliant. the Taylor Swift spoof was one of the most hilarious things i seen last year. more of that please.

this is by far my favorite horror series of all time. even part 3 which is admittedly a hot mess is very entertaining. the opening scene of the original is one of the best scenes of all time. my ranking: Scream>>>Scream 2>>>Scream4>>>Scream 3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Scream the series

in his defensive he has made it pretty clear that he didn't like the original and is doing something very different. thank god since that movie was watered down trash.

i am rarely unsettled by a movie anymore but the final scene gave me goosebumps. very good movie.

every time Gideon is on screen i get sleepy. otherwise a decent ep.

thats terrifying.

i didn't find this ep boring at all. much, much better than the underwhelming first ep imo. this is also the first time i ever really liked Foggy and the end was great.

i hope her acting is better than it was in Urban Legend. ok not the best movie ever but when Tara Reid is acting circles around you then we have a problem…

pretty much right off the bat…

this episode was so very badly directed. Nicotero really should stick to gore effects cause he is great at that. i did enjoy the first scene though.

why not? she was the executive producer and it was more what she wanted than her recent output. her label made her scrap her original songs on Circus and Femme Fatale. its a miracle those still came out pretty good.

Britney has made some great pop songs. granted her last album was garbage but In the Zone and Blackout are fantastic.

is the movie at least more stylish than Agents of Shield?

for a January released horror film its not bad. not a must see by any means but the finale was pretty good. based on the ending i wouldn't mind this being a franchise tbh.

ok maybe not as good as sliced bread but it is so cyuht! byeeeeeeeeeee.

Happy Endings>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything that has every existed, its ahmazzzzing

agreed but had it ended with the main girl reading all those terrible messages about her and having to deal with everyone knowing what a shitty person she is was more effective imo then the cheap scare.