
i found this movie surprising clever and one of the best horror films of the year. watching it on my computer made for a very fun and at first confusing experience. the only misstep was the final shot that seemed like a studio mandate. wish it had ended about one minute earlier.

i actually prefered Insidious tbh. it was a bit bat shit crazy which i appreciated. The Conjuring was classier but pretty typical. i will still watch this for Vera and Patrick though. two of the best actors working rn.

i seen Scream 2 four times in the theater when i was a kid. no regrets.

i liked this hot mess of a show! had it had more episodes i think it could have been much better. loved the final scene.


another very solid episode. still amazes me how quickly i grew to love Kelly and Pablo. lord help me if they ever kill one of them. the character of Fisher on the other hand hasn't been handled well to no fault of the actress. also did Lucy rising out of the ashes remind anyone of Trash from Return of the Living Dead

i loved this ep and i loved Claire with only seeing her in one ep of Daredevil. great finale to a great season. i need season 2 now!

she reminds me of Drew Barrymore tbh.

this was by far my favorite ep. an easy A. i was in so much suspense i couldn't take it. cant believe how quickly this show made me so invested in the characters. also noticed the director was John Dahl director of the underrated Joyride. hope he does more.

did this episode remind anyone else of that 1995 Johnny Depp movie Nick of Time?

holy shit an A-? i can't wait to watch this ep.

hmmm…i liked this even more than the premiere.

damn i was really hoping you would ask him about The Crush and the iconic falcon punch scene. one of my favorite scenes of all time.

Prometheus? more like Amateurmetheus…am i right?

C+? That's way harsh Tai.

i actually thought this was one of the better eps…..

i loved it!

i hate, hate, hate, HATE Lincoln. otherwise great season so far!

i think Del Toro is a bit overrated but this is coming from someone who actually really loves Mimic.

i loved AOU. was it perfect? of course not but it was still a really entertaining comic book movie. the backlash Joss is getting is way OTT imo.