
Teddy Sear's butt automatically gives this episode an A.

excellent article. this is my favorite scene of all time. i will never forget seeing it on the big screen for the first time back in '96. absolute perfection. RIP Wes.

she was actually great on Will and Grace tbh. she won't win an Oscar anytime soon but her comic timing is spot on.

he was AMAZING in his sex tape!

did you guys not review episode 3?

The Monster Squad really?

i couldn't live in a world that didn't have Showgirls in it. one of my favorite comedies of all time. every scene is a gem.

Can Happy Endings please come back now?! ok thanks! :-)

i just want to add: HAPPY ENDINGS SEASON 4. ok thats all. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

as a Happy Endings superfan i really did try to get into this show. the supporting cast though…i just couldn't do it anymore. please please make season 4 happen.

BOOM BOOM?! please bring back this show. i have a hole in my heart since its cancellation…and its not getting better.

Happy Endings season 4!!! No i will NOT let it go…not ever.

this was by far my favorite episode. sure the pregnancy test is cliche as all hell but otherwise this was terrific. solid A.

i thought the fifth film was the weakest. it has the most action but is also somehow the most boring. the first still remains the best imo.

great episode. i am just loving the characters so far this season. Agent
Coleslaw and Agent Mayo rocked it this ep. also i can't wait to see
what they do with Agent Montgomery Ward later on.