
Wish you had mentioned the emergence of 90's slasher films. I Know What You Did Last Summer was made after the success of Scream the previous year and smashed the box office and then Scream 2 came out followed by a bunch of other modern slashers.

His first movie was House of Wax, you know the one where Paris Hilton gets a pole through her head. Actually a pretty fun, stylish, gory slasher movie.

thank you so much!

Do you by any chance have a link to that interview? i couldn't find it on youtube.


yeah not sure why that movie is so hated on. It was lots of fun. Not every movie needs to win an Oscar. Also this movie looks like a blast.

I enjoyed The Shallows and this is just as good if not even a bit better. The final act didn't bother me at all.

idk his cinematography in Scream 4 was downright dreadful.

Director confirmed it won't be and no movie monsters either.

It was good, not as good as the first one but good. A bit to sentimental but i have a cold heart. Well worth seeing though.

Have you ever seen Buffy? The writing is about 10x better than Charmed.

the girl isn't a stripper she is a cocktail waitress which she even addresses in a line that falls flat. still overall this movie is fine for what it is. i had fun. B-

well yes but exactly like Liam.

also Bride of Chucky and im NOT being sarcastic!

holy shit Fitz's dad sounds exactly like Liam Nieson!

for me Speed 2: Cruise Control just…….nope. Also the Prom Night remake was garbage. Pg-13 slasher? whats the point? people got stabbed left and right without cuts in their clothes!

Loved this movie and it creeped me the hell out. Its definitely not for the average audience, this is a sloooooow burn.

what are you talking about? Beyonce gave an iconic perfromance in the movie Obsessed. "You touched ma child!" "She waz nekid in yo bed?!" AMAZING!

Jughead's narrations remind me sf much of the movie Magnolia's narration that its distracting. Loving the show though.