
i thought that pic on top was a scene from Freddy vs. Jason

i really liked the first two eps and LOVED this one. Drew is adorable and im finding Timothy's performance flat out hilarious. looking forward to finishing the season.

I enjoyed the first ep overall. i actually thought the vomit scene was hilarious…how classy of me! still kinda wish this was about something other than her being a zombie as i thought it would be a cannibal show but i still will watch the season.

no definitely one of the first two.

I am trying to get through the Professor SexFrench section right now and it is….very trying. I miss Cole/Alison sfm right now. Not sure what these show runners are thinking.

I will say it is annoying when someone never, ever comments on your posts but then you like something they put up and suddenly they like and comment on yours. I SEE YOU BITCH! Or when people add you but then never comment or like literally anything or wish you happy birthday. so why did you even add me? just to stalk

not sure about this one but Christopher Smith's film Triangle is an amazing thriller.

Im most excited (and worried) about the new adaption of IT.

you forgot Britney Spears Glory album and no im not kidding. its a great pop album.

Train to Busan and The Neon Demon.

i would be so here for that tbh.

Yes! Agent Coleslaw! A man of many hats! truy iconic!

I think its a bit underrated tbh. I mean its just every classic Hitchcock movie rolled into one but its fun. Also Michelle was fantastic. I do remember the trailer giving almost everything away though.

If done another way this could have worked imo. Why not have it start off cute and then then J.Law's character starts to see how crazy, disturbed he is. Give me Chris Pratt doing Harrison Ford turning out to being an evil son of a bitch ala What Lies Beneath, it would certainly shock the audience see him playing

if only Chris would put the time in on his animals that he puts into his film roles/charity.

he is the hottest, average looking man ever.

part of the reason i liked the show was that it could go from scary as hell to a bit campy but not OTT campy. i do love me some camp and it walked the line terrifically imo.

Sure Jan!

loved the finale and the entire season. really do hope it comes back (pretty please FOX!). i admit part of me wanted a bleak ending where the entire family dies except for Angela with the demon inside her ready to overtake the world, that would have been a good jumping off point if we get a season 2 and Geena who

i just read what the twist was and……wow. i need to see this cinematic masterpiece RIGHT FRICKING NOW!