I still cant believe that the last time Tim Duncan didn't score a field goal in a game was in Feb of 1994 as a freshman at Wake. His field goal-less streak can officially drink alcohol
"In fact, the men were acting like little boys, weren't they?" defense asks after establishing that they were rapping, singing, smoking pot
Daylight savings does makes girls look much hotter for whatever reason
The best stout. Please try it
So according to this punishment, UNC won't have a basketball team anymore?
he decided to go full Angry Canadian
Tom- How can you go from bears and bored baseball fans to this?
He was hanging around some pretty dark people. Now they aren't friends anymore.
Do I need to make my bed if I live by myself? Or can I at least just pull the comforter up and halfway make it?
Is he yellow or just surrounded by pasty people?
Its a joke and was supposed to replaced with this
Damn this doesn't even have a rain shower head. I'd say its minimalistic
That's a great idea. I think I might ask the girl I'm dating to marry me just so I can get back in shape.
The fear of backlash from the Duke fan base was a factor in the female students' decision not to pursue the allegations, sources close to the women said.
Jerry @ 20 is pretty low, but what about Larry, Garry, and Terry?
Don't discriminate. Throw in a birdwoman or 2
That looks more like corn than gold. Step up your grill game
Dean Smith thought the same thing
I cant get over how much he looks like Bill Duke