Steve Sandwich

This is so terribly horrible compared to the other film on this topic.

Easiest way to spot a Bowie Hivemind Neophyte is to find someone bashing or dismissing Tin Machine. Two (+1 Live) totally kickass albums. You see, Tin Machine was David's Crazy Horse, a vehicle that thankfully saved him from Pepsi-swilling Glass Spiders and delivered him into that wondrous ditch, where he never gave

Jesus, quit fucking crying about every Goddamned thing.

Arnold looks fantastic with the grey hair. Not fat like you.

Ok, so this child was born rich, and what else??

I suppose they are slow-burning the inevitable destruction of that Cadillac. Would have been a great way for Ambrose to make the save. Just as TA is setting Reigns up for the first table spot, the horn starts honking, Ambrose hangs out the window and drives away in the big red machine, chased by…the Big Red Machine

Jim Cramer has a solid case.

Wal-Mart is a for-profit business, kiddo. Not their job to make people millionaires.

Lukas imitates his dad too much.

She absolutely facilitated his murder. There is zero doubt.

OOh, a List!

Community is the epitome of Trying Too Hard.

Green Day = Zero Talent. Zero.

None of you will ever approach either of these, you fucking female cunts.

This is the most over-rated series of all time. Seasons one and two are fantastic, after that, the drop off is so very sharp and steep. You can pretty much cut from the end of season two to Tony and Carm's argument near the end, and not miss much at all.

Ho-ho, look at you, replying to a well-written, long thinkpiece with the first thing every moron thought to say. How 101 of you.

I reject the notion that a ten year experience should be judged on its final hour.

This is perhaps the worst band of all time.

Don't you want to work on coke?

I Love You.