
They raid St. Louis’ home for the funds’ private keys less than an hour after a judge order the digital currency handed over.

Having been in the construction industry for a few decades and being involved in historic renovations on multiple occasions I’ve come around to the view that most so-called “historical”buildings should be demolished when they become unusable and replaced with something new.

So anyone who owns a house there is “rich”? I feel like you have an excessively loose definition of the word, because there’s a lot of people in expensive areas who are barely making mortgage payments. Only in kinja could someone be living paycheck to paycheck and a commenter acts like they’re shitting on gold toilets.

I’m (semi) anti-capitalist, and this still rang as grotesquely untrue to me. I lived in a CA neighborhood with million dollar houses that were 850 square feet and had cars on blocks in the driveway, and street vendors pushing food carts. Those aren’t “rich people” house prices. 

these are not rich people. in Cali $1.5M home is a starter for us. these are dual income hard working families, who are living paycheck to paycheck to pay their mortgage.

Thank you. This site is a weird combination of car enthusiast and anti-capitalist at the same time, but the notion that a $1.5M California home makes them “elite” is just stupid.

Agreed, but this whole thing reeks of “we’re missing quite a bit of information.”
Clearly the cops have been made aware of an arrangement. Clearly the city is comfortable with whatever this arrangement may be.
I couldn’t be less of an expert about the area (but hey, when has that ever stopped rank speculation on this

In CA, a $1.5M house is just firmly middle class. That isn’t a mansion, it’s a small tract home in LA.

It’s a little hard to feel for people that have money in certain situations”

I would think the *owners* of the fancy cars would be less than thrilled about having them parked on the street. If I knew a shop was doing that with my car I wouldn’t be taking my car there.

I don’t understand how this works.

Adjusting to higher production costs due to inflation is not price gouging.

Yet here I am, refusing even a free cup of coffee from vendors, for fear of optics.

As an ICU nurse, when we have someone with DNR (Do Not Resuscitate Status), as soon as there are signs the end is nigh, if family there I encourage them to pour out words of love and touch the patient, etc. to let them know they are with family/friends, unless the patient has indicated otherwise, as sometimes they do.

So all of those people who reported “seeing their life flash before their eyes” in near-death experiences WEREN’T lying? Imagine that! 

Is that like a public servant supporting a BLM riot? Or is your view only applicable when it's the other tribe? 

So donating to BLM after the riots also a concern for you? 

Racists are everywhere man. You gotta watch out. Heres a video of a politician calling a KKK recruiter a mentor and guide amongst other praises.

Are police officers no longer allowed to associate with political parties that Erin “I am literally shaking with rage” Marquis doesn’t like?

This is the endpoint of woke-opnik. There are no more articles about cars because accepting press cars is deemed an act of violence. These people only exist to advertise Amazon products now - all of the old car journos have left.

What’s really weird is that they personally write the advertisements for the Amazon deals