
We get it Jalopnik!!! You do not like Tesla. I mean there is no point of even reading any article from Jalopnik that has Tesla in the name because it will always be always! I don’t own a Tesla and I am not planning on owning a Tesla myself. I do not care about the company either way...I am sure Tesla

Hadn’t thought about that in years! You literally forget because it’s a non-issue.  

After a short time with the Model 3, I didn’t miss the instrument cluster. Looking down to the right is just as fast as looking straight down. You can’t look at the dash at the same time as the road. Moving your eyes down and right is exactly as fast as moving down.

<Coming to a complete stop at stop signs causing accidents? Get real.>

“. . . when the person behind you is not expecting you to paying attention. . .”   – FIFY

Wait, OTA updates are now considered recalls?

Exactly. Warn the driver for sure. I can’t think of any reason a seat would need to be adjusted for 90 seconds in 5 min, if the motor is running, something is likely wrong. My wife(5'3") and I(6'2") swap cars all the time. It takes me less than 10 seconds to get the seat where I need it from her position. In the first

How is this different from an RPM limiter? They both keep users from destroying the motor by going outside of operating manufacture’s specs.

Resistors are often used to set parameters.

“The average cost to build a Tesla being $36,000 seems fine when the cheapest model you can buy is $44,990.”

Why a $25,000 Tesla will never come: because people are climbing over each other to pay $50,000 instead.

it knows what the right course of action would’ve been”

Or anyone really. The $25k mark disappeared with current inflation. 

Tesla will be able to keep growing and expanding with cars that cost at least $35k for the foreseeable future, regardless of any supply chain issues, so yeah, the $25k car is just not going to be anything of a priority.

2nd Gear: Looks like the UK will never have self driving cars. What company with even a single lawyer on retainer would make a self driving car and carry the liability for its actions. That’s a horrible idea.

Why waste capacity and effort building something that barely breaks even when you can do the same and make $10k per unit?

I used to do work like this. we had a guy at the docks that would call when a container ship full of TV/VCR combos would come in, he would tell me what truck and what highway it was on

I still can’t believe this is how it looks from the factory.  It looks like aftermarket flares were added to a regular Bronco.  I would’ve thought Ford could come up with something that looks more integrated.   

I had a short run at an ad agency. The classic Lucky Strike campaign was required learning. Basically, an ad agency guy asked a Lucky Strike exec how the cigarettes were made. He listed the ingredients and described the tobacco as being “toasted” during the process. The ad exec latched onto the word “toasted” and

I don’t think quality is measured the right way.