
How the fuck do you warp a rotor from over torque on a lug nut?”

Secondly, lay off the condescending attitude towards entry level employees

Back in the day of universal full size spares, rotating with the spare wasn’t uncommon, and made sure it was always aired up and fairly recent. Doubt the tire shops minded selling 5 at a time either.

I usually give Jalopnik writers every benefit of the doubt, but I take a number of issues with this article.

Brake service and tire rotation should have been done before leaving.

But it was THESE workers who deserve the blame, because they... you know... did it.

Three Tesla stories in one morning, and only one (the SEC investigation) is even remotely newsworthy.

I think the real question is would its competitors, the M5, E53 AMG, Charger Hellcat, and RS6 have faired better? If so, then the Tesla is lacking. 

I’ve owned Tesla’s since 2015 across 2 Model X’s, Model S Plaid, Model Y, Model 3.

I’m no apologist for Tesla, but ten 100-30 stops for a two and a half ton car is a pretty demanding test. And to continue in light of hints of fade/smoking smell of brakes/warning lights alerting you that you’ve got big problems shows alarming signs of willful ignorance.

Depends on were you live but most people I know use it for AC not for TV.

Doug has done more for car culture than damn near anybody. He’s gotten people who had previously had no interest in cars excited. And that has value.

just like voters in the US have the power to change things in the country?

Lets go through a quick list of things the union top brass has done recently:

That still doesn’t negate the fact that your point is off center and incorrect, regardless of what you choose to ignore. The fact remains that everyday people are benefitting from Tesla sales despite Musk. Attack the word since you can’t see the forest for the trees. 

I honestly believe their costs have gone up substantially. I also believe they’re charging more because they can do it without impacting demand. This is because they’re a business, and businesses exist to make money.

For the privilege of buying a car from the wealthiest man in the world.

There’s a 6 month wait for the long range Model Y. If you sold a product and couldn’t keep up with demand you would be out of your mind to not raise the price. Selling products at the highest margin possible is sort of business 101.

The profits are not that high. His net worth is in the stocks. So your point makes very little sense.

No, direct sales just cut the useless (and I do mean utterly fucking useless) middleman out of the equation. Much better for the profits to go to those actually responsible for the product rather than some fucking leech.