
Those rims HAVE to be just pure trolling. My gawd they’re awful

I’d take Tesla + stronger right to repair laws over the dealer network

Quality? Purely anecdotal, but my M3 Performance hasn’t seen a shop since I bought it 17 months and 60,000 miles ago.  Best car I’ve ever owned.

Since you now have a book selling on Amazon ripping into autonomous cars, is it your financial goal to put out an anti-Tesla article every day?

This only works when the vehicle is parked. Can’t replace honking noise when driving.

The law is that manufacturers have to install it in the car at the factory.  If you’re worried about people finding ways to install silent mp3s, all they actually have to do is get under their car and unplug the external speaker. 

You still have the volume control on the steering wheel, too.

To be fair, there are people who will want, and be willing to pay for a feature like this, AND know it isn’t actual self driving. It may not be a huge group, but they’re out there.

I fucking hate Jalopnik. This is not a website for car enthusiasts — it’s a website for people who recognise good things 15 years after the fact.

This is kind of rare, but this thing leaves me completely cold, unmoved, and care-less. 

Honestly, I think a lot of the Lexus ad campaign is aspirational. Like, OK, you actually can’t just casually bestow a whole luxury car on your honey for Christmas because that’s way too expensive and what if they don’t like it and you really should talk this through together, etc., but what if you could? What if you

Ha good don’t buy it. Plenty of people who “get” it and like it. as for “real truck guys” check out Todd the Cybertruck guy on youtube, has a fleet of trucks and is wildly excited for the cybertruck and explains why in detail from a “truck guy” perspective. It’s been over a year and all this article says is “I don’t

I get that tesla has a cult like following with some, and Elon has plenty of indefensible statements, but all car enthusiast circles are just as dumb with the groupthink. I’d take obnoxious Tesla owners that try to make the planet more hospitable over the toxic masculinity truck bro that wants to poison your air any

Hmmm. Perhaps I’m too laissez faire, and certainly the actual sensors involved may show a more serious outcome for vehicle occupants, but superficially, those crash tests don’t look nearly as bad as plenty of others I’ve seen. Having lived most of my life driving vehicles *without* side airbags, it’s not as if I

To be fair, most truck owners don’t actually use them as trucks, don’t need a truck, and only want one to look tough or tow a trailer once every five years. So, does it really matter if it fully functions as a truck if it’s never used as a truck? (Don’t get me wrong, like all Teslas, the Cybertruck is hideous.)

Hmm. Aluminum can be repaired, but it needs an experienced welder and quality equipment. Also knowledge of the alloy used, and any nuances of how it welds. I’m not a welder, though.

FWIW, I’m not totally sure an independent inspection would have caught this either. Unless there were other issues during the tech’s test drive, or some external evidence of severe damage, IDK who would be pulling interior trim apart (C-Pillar, Trunk) to check for abnormal weld marks. Granted, there might be other

For those wondering, “invented” colors are known in the industry as lab colors. These are colors (usually vibrant colors like neons and fluorescents) that cannot be created using percentages of cyan, yellow, magenta and black but must be specially mixed using other processes.

I never said it doesn’t exist. I know it does. Yet another person taking it out of context.