
Flawless?  Its freakin’ lucky.  It just looks great only because the car drivers saw the fool and didn’t want their car dented and smeared with brains.  

It would be far more accurate to report that “poorly anonymized data is easy to reverse engineer”. The hypothetical example given (combining zip code, DOB, and gender) would be trivially easy to merge with other public data. It’s simply not well anonymized.

“flawless" perhaps in that he isn't dead, but still mind-bendingly shit stupid. 

I agree the car is too cheap. But, like the Tesla model 3, the first run of cars will be fully loaded and priced at the high end of the spectrum.

Literally putting a little colored strip on top, like countless other cars do for this exact purpose, would be an equally obvious indicator.

When I tried my best to explain that she would never see a $35k Tesla on the road (and why) she got very mad at me for shitting on her dreams.

Lapid: “Anything but green.”

Road trips are the best way to watch your hot wife/girlfriend/+1 sleep :-).

I was thinking the exact same thing. Wal-mart might have the edge though because the natural convenience that goes along with it. Since I’ve become a parent, I’ve never taken a road-trip when I didn’t at some point stop at Wal-Mart. Need more anti-bacterial wipes (believe me, as a parent, you go through a lot of

it’s also not just the charging infrastructure either, it’s the Autonomous Data, every Tesla that has the autonomous vehicle computer installed (so everything from like 2015 forward i believe) unless turned off in the options of the car has been running in shadow mode (where it makes decisions while not in control and

I think you nailed it in first gear: it’s the charging network. There are Chargepoints everywhere, which are useful, but slow. Great for when I get to work and can leave it there for 2 hours, relatively useless / highly frustrating if I’m on a road trip.

“the truth of this case is that Cao has done precisely nothing with Tesla’s IP,”

Leases... and weird life priorities. (Is why you see so many expensive new cars in SoCal).

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how bonkers ginormous those front rotors are? I believe they are or were the largest ever brakes on a production car at 17.3". I love me a big brake rotor, and these are truly absurd in the best way.

Pretty sure this is the Monday-Friday car, and then they have their pick of exotic toys for the weekend.

Welcome to the liberal communist state of California. Hopefully shit like this makes you think about who your voting for. 

According to the stats, they’re much safer with ‘autopilot’ than without it. These little incidents make the blogs because they’re sensationalist in nature, but the perceived danger is not (apparently) mirrored in the crash stats

Despite being relevant to our interests, Jalopnik is still a clickbait website derived from Gawker. We all gotta keep that in mind every now and then.

Tide Pods? Planking? YOLO?